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System.Net.Http.HttpClient returns error "ERR: Missing UA30"

The following code gives me the rather strange error ERR: Missing UA30 in the response content. I can't find the error anywhere on the Internet. It only happens to some particular websites. There is another version of the code testing serveral ics URLs simultaneously on this repo. Since F# and C# share the same framework, I suspect this would happen to C# as well but I haven't tested it as my C# is not as fluent.

open System.Net.Http

let url = ""
(* other working urls:

let getAsync (client: HttpClient) (url: string) =
    async {
        let! content = client.GetStringAsync url |> Async.AwaitTask
        let len = content.Length
        printf "%d" len

        match len with
        | len when len < 50 -> printfn " content: %s" content
        | _ -> printfn ""

let client = new HttpClient()

getAsync client url
|> Async.RunSynchronously

All what I've tried have been documented in the GitHub repo mentioned above.

I am expecting no error as curl command is able to download the ics file without problems -

curl -o output.ics


  • You can try to set user agent setting header in your HTTP request. for example :

    open System.Net.Http
    let url = ""
    let getAsync (client: HttpClient) (url: string) =
        async {
            let request = new HttpRequestMessage(HttpMethod.Get, url)
            request.Headers.Add("User-Agent", "NonEmptyUA")
            let! response = client.SendAsync(request) |> Async.AwaitTask
            let content = response.Content.ReadAsStringAsync() |> Async.AwaitTask
            printfn "Response content length: %d" (content.Length)
            if content.Length < 50 then
                printfn "Response content: %s" content
    let client = new HttpClient()
    getAsync client url
    |> Async.RunSynchronously