Updated to specify using MS SQL Server.
I have a table that has one row for each action performed by a worker, each action with a date/time stamp.
Action_ID | Action_DTTM |
1 | 04/19/2023 11:15:37 |
2 | 04/19/2023 12:16:14 |
3 | 04/19/2023 12:16:14 |
4 | 04/19/2023 14:21:03 |
5 | 04/19/2023 16:55:41 |
6 | 04/19/2023 18:10:43 |
7 | 04/19/2023 20:24:15 |
8 | 04/19/2023 22:43:29 |
9 | 04/20/2023 13:21:04 |
10 | 04/20/2023 13:55:57 |
11 | 04/20/2023 13:55:57 |
12 | 04/20/2023 16:28:11 |
13 | 04/20/2023 17:35:45 |
14 | 04/20/2023 18:48:01 |
15 | 04/20/2023 19:32:26 |
16 | 04/20/2023 20:16:39 |
17 | 04/20/2023 21:03:25 |
I need a query that will aggregate the actions into shifts. This table above represents actions during 2 shifts by a single worker. There are a few different shift types a worker might work - ShiftA is 11am-11pm, ShiftB is 1-9pm - but I don't have a shift schedule telling me when workers were scheduled for each type of shift. All I have is the action log.
Example of the kind of output I'm hoping for:
Action_ID | Shift_Number | Shift_Type |
1 | 1 | ShiftA |
2 | 1 | ShiftA |
3 | 1 | ShiftA |
4 | 1 | ShiftA |
5 | 1 | ShiftA |
6 | 1 | ShiftA |
7 | 1 | ShiftA |
8 | 1 | ShiftA |
9 | 2 | ShiftB |
10 | 2 | ShiftB |
11 | 2 | ShiftB |
12 | 2 | ShiftB |
13 | 2 | ShiftB |
14 | 2 | ShiftB |
15 | 2 | ShiftB |
16 | 2 | ShiftB |
17 | 2 | ShiftB |
I'm not even sure if this can be accomplished in SQL? Also not sure if my sample tables are rendering in a legible way. I can add screenshots if that's easier to read
OP, action id 17 goes over shift by 225 seconds. Charlieface's answer makes assumptions about a first shift's action (magic numbers). My approach gets this naturally. Code has all the comments to explain everything. I also added to your sample set of data to get data for all 4 shifts to prove this works. Also, my solution supports overlapping shifts, but makes the assumption there is only one shift working any given second. If that is not the case, then there is absolutely no way of doing this.
My suggestion is to have shift times in a user table (not a variable), similar to my setup, so you can easily update that table instead of updating your query with magic numbers. You never want to have a production query using magic numbers. You can even go further and add two datetime columns - date_begin and date_end describing date ranges a shift is valid. In this setup, you would leave the date_end null until it becomes obsolete, then add new rows as needed to describe the new shift times. The reason you would want to do this is because if shift times change, and you need to query back in time, then you will have to either do multiple queries to support the different shift time change, or, use the updated shift times table to support all of that gracefully.
Unfortunately, the result set is large (many columns to show supporting data, and 34 rows deep), and will not post a picture until asked. I also do not use db fiddle. I believe some on here are tightly related to whoever owns it and drives traffic to it.
declare @shift_times table
shift_number tinyint not null,
shift_type varchar(10) not null,
time_start time not null,
time_end time not null
declare @action_log table
action_id int not null,
action_dttm datetime not null
-- it is nice to have the action_dttm as a date as well for comparison
-- we use this table in place of @action_log after populating
declare @action_log_expanded table
action_id int not null,
action_dttm datetime not null,
action_date date not null
-- this holds the min and max action dttm by day (the x means by, like this by that)
declare @min_max_dttm_x_date table
action_date date not null,
min_dttm_x_day datetime not null,
max_dttm_x_day datetime not null
-- this table holds data guaranteed to match the shift to the STARTING day worked
-- based on comparing shift start time to the first day's transaction (look at the top 1 order by clause)
-- so if a shift went over midnight, this table will hold its action date as 1 day less than the action log dttm
-- this will not account for certain oddities that we make up for later
-- if you select from this table after it is insert into, you will see what i mean
declare @guaranteed_shift_x_min_action_dttm_x_day table
shift_number tinyint not null,
shift_type varchar(10) not null,
time_start time not null,
time_end time not null,
action_date date not null,
min_dttm_x_day datetime not null,
max_dttm_x_day datetime not null,
action_date_shift_start datetime not null,
action_date_shift_end datetime not null,
action_date_before_midnight datetime not null
-- in your sample data, action id 17 went over by 3.x minutes from shift B end
-- this variable allows you some flexibility in allowing overage.
-- in your sample data (which i did not change, but added to it),
-- this record would have gone to shift C, but this allows it to
-- allocate to shift B. If it does not fit the criteria,
-- the record is then omitted from the result set because it matches no shift.
-- your business would need to make a decision about how to handle these.
declare @max_seconds_after_shift int = 300 -- 5 minutes
insert into @shift_times
select 1, 'ShiftA', '11:00:00', '23:00:00' union all
select 2, 'ShiftB', '13:00:00', '21:00:00' union all
select 3, 'ShiftC', '22:00:00', '06:00:00' union all
select 4, 'ShiftD', '18:00:00', '06:00:00'
insert into @action_log
select 1, '04/19/2023 11:15:37' union all
select 2, '04/19/2023 12:16:14' union all
select 3, '04/19/2023 12:16:14' union all
select 4, '04/19/2023 14:21:03' union all
select 5, '04/19/2023 16:55:41' union all
select 6, '04/19/2023 18:10:43' union all
select 7, '04/19/2023 20:24:15' union all
select 8, '04/19/2023 22:43:29' union all
select 9, '04/20/2023 13:21:04' union all
select 10, '04/20/2023 13:55:57' union all
select 11, '04/20/2023 13:55:57' union all
select 12, '04/20/2023 16:28:11' union all
select 13, '04/20/2023 17:35:45' union all
select 14, '04/20/2023 18:48:01' union all
select 15, '04/20/2023 19:32:26' union all
select 16, '04/20/2023 20:16:39' union all
select 17, '04/20/2023 21:03:25' union all
select 18, '04/21/2023 22:21:04' union all
select 19, '04/21/2023 22:55:57' union all
select 20, '04/21/2023 22:55:57' union all
select 21, '04/22/2023 01:28:11' union all
select 22, '04/22/2023 02:35:45' union all
select 23, '04/22/2023 03:48:01' union all
select 24, '04/22/2023 04:32:26' union all
select 25, '04/22/2023 05:16:39' union all
select 26, '04/22/2023 06:03:25' union all
select 27, '04/23/2023 18:15:37' union all
select 28, '04/23/2023 19:16:14' union all
select 29, '04/23/2023 19:16:14' union all
select 30, '04/23/2023 21:21:03' union all
select 31, '04/23/2023 23:55:41' union all
select 32, '04/24/2023 01:10:43' union all
select 33, '04/24/2023 03:24:15' union all
select 34, '04/24/2023 05:43:29'
-- expand the action log
insert into @action_log_expanded
select ac.action_id,
convert(date, ac.action_dttm) as action_date
from @action_log ac
-- get the min and max action dttm per day
insert into @min_max_dttm_x_date
select top 1 with ties convert(date, a.action_dttm) as action_date,
min(a.action_dttm) over (partition by convert(date, a.action_dttm) order by convert(date, a.action_dttm)) as min_dttm_x_day,
max(a.action_dttm) over (partition by convert(date, a.action_dttm) order by convert(date, a.action_dttm)) as max_dttm_x_day
from @action_log a
order by ROW_NUMBER() over (partition by convert(date, a.action_dttm) order by a.action_dttm)
-- based on what we know, we can compare shift start time and the first day's transaction
-- to atleast get some guaranteed knowns
insert into @guaranteed_shift_x_min_action_dttm_x_day
select top 1 with ties
cast(d.action_date as datetime) + cast(s.time_start as datetime) as action_date_shift_start,
cast(d.action_date as datetime) + cast(s.time_end as datetime) as action_date_shift_end,
cast(d.action_date as datetime) + cast('23:59:59' as datetime) as action_date_before_midnight
from @shift_times s
inner join
@min_max_dttm_x_date d on
s.time_start <= convert(time, d.min_dttm_x_day) -- purposefully do not check the end time because data shows (action id 17) that users can go over shift)
order by ROW_NUMBER() over (partition by d.action_date order by abs(datediff(second, convert(time, s.time_start), convert(time, d.min_dttm_x_day)))) asc
-- join the action log
-- for the dates that are not on here, we can simply go into the next day in the join within the action log by adding the action date + 1 and checking for time
select *
from @guaranteed_shift_x_min_action_dttm_x_day g
inner join
@action_log_expanded e on
g.action_date = e.action_date and -- the shift's first transaction date equals the action dttm
g.time_start < g.time_end and -- this shift does not overlap midnight
( -- the action dttm betwen the shift times - just adding time to a date time
e.action_dttm between g.action_date_shift_start and g.action_date_shift_end
) or
-- existence and flexibility of time outside of shift end - see your action log id 17
-- this is adjustable
datediff(second, g.action_date_shift_end, e.action_dttm) between 0 and @max_seconds_after_shift
) or
g.time_start > g.time_end and -- shift spans two days but this join is for start day
e.action_dttm between g.action_date_shift_start and g.action_date_before_midnight
) or
-- the shift's first transaction happened on the previous day
cast(dateadd(day, 1, g.action_date) as date) = e.action_date and
g.time_start > g.time_end and
e.action_dttm between cast(e.action_date as datetime) and dateadd(day, 1, g.action_date_shift_end)
) or
datediff(second, dateadd(day, 1, g.action_date_shift_end), e.action_dttm) between 0 and @max_seconds_after_shift
order by e.action_id asc