I'm trying to write a function that scans through a set of columns and tests if two conditions exist across two different column rows. I'll then use this function and apply it my dataframe.
pattern_one = 'Test1|Exam12'
df = pd.DataFrame({'Project Code':['32132','212132'],'Task Name':['Test 1','Test13']})
def data_filter(project_code, task_name):
if (project_code.str.contains('32132').any() &
task_name.str.contains(pattern_one, regex=True).any()):
output = '45%'
output = '0%'
Dataframe looks like this:
Project Code | Task Name |
32132 | Test1 |
212132 | Test13 |
You don't need a function: use np.where
with the conditions and if-true and if-false values.
import pandas as pd
import numpy as np
df = pd.DataFrame({"Project Code": ["32132", "212132"],
"Task Name" : ["Test1", "Test13"]
df['out'] = np.where((df["Project Code"].str.contains('32132')) &
(df["Task Name"].str.contains('Test1|Exam12')), "45%", "0%")
Project Code Task Name out
0 32132 Test1 45%
1 212132 Test13 0%