Search code examples

Oracle 11g. Output data within seven days

There is Transactions table in Oracle 11g, like example:

CREATE TABLE transactions (id, sender_name, transaction_date, amount) AS
SELECT '1111', 'Alice', TIMESTAMP '2023-01-03 01:26:29', 700 FROM DUAL UNION ALL
SELECT '2222', 'Alice', TIMESTAMP '2023-01-05 04:26:29', 450 FROM DUAL UNION ALL
SELECT '3333', 'Alice', TIMESTAMP '2023-01-08 18:26:29', 1000 FROM DUAL UNION ALL
SELECT '4444', 'Alice', TIMESTAMP '2023-01-09 04:26:29', 200 FROM DUAL UNION ALL

SELECT '6666', 'Betty', TIMESTAMP '2023-03-12 15:26:29', 845 FROM DUAL UNION ALL
SELECT '7777', 'Betty', TIMESTAMP '2023-03-19 11:00:29', 300 FROM DUAL UNION ALL
SELECT '9999', 'Carol', TIMESTAMP '2023-08-26 01:26:29', 100 FROM DUAL UNION ALL
SELECT '8888', 'Carol', TIMESTAMP '2023-08-29 02:26:29', 501 FROM DUAL UNION ALL
SELECT '1234', 'Carol', TIMESTAMP '2023-09-10 03:26:29',  500 FROM DUAL UNION ALL
SELECT '4567', 'Carol', TIMESTAMP '2023-09-11 08:26:29',  501 FROM DUAL UNION ALL
SELECT '2345', 'Carol', TIMESTAMP '2023-09-17 04:26:29', 1001 FROM DUAL UNION ALL
SELECT '3456', 'Carol', TIMESTAMP '2023-09-30 05:26:29', 700 FROM DUAL UNION ALL
SELECT '5678', 'Carol', TIMESTAMP '2023-10-01 05:26:29', 200 FROM DUAL;

I apologize for this, but I need two options to output data :)))

  1. Option: To display transactions of client (sender_name) with total amount sent money more than (amount) > 1000 within seven days after the first transaction_date. In this case, the result should be: all Alices transactions because the first payment is 03.01 and within seven days until 09.01 and her transactions total amount during these days is more than 1000. And all Bettys transactions also have the same logic.For Carol transactions 10.09, 11.09 and 17.09

2.Option: Is it possible to determine the beginning of the week (starting from Monday) and display client transactions carried out during the week (from Monday to Sunday) with a total amount of more than 1000 (total amount during week)? If yes, than how can be done.


  • For Option 1, you can use analytic functions with a range window to first total the amounts for the past 7 days and then, in a second pass, to count how many rows in the future week have a previously calculated total over 1000 and filter to only those rows:

    SELECT id,
    FROM   (
      SELECT id,
             COUNT(CASE WHEN previous_weekly_amount > 1000 THEN 1 END) OVER (
                 PARTITION BY sender_name
                 ORDER BY transaction_date
                 RANGE BETWEEN INTERVAL '0 00:00:00.000000000' DAY TO SECOND PRECEDING
                           AND INTERVAL '6 23:59:59.999999999' DAY TO SECOND FOLLOWING
             ) AS has_weekly_total_over_1000
      FROM   (
        SELECT id,
               SUM(amount) OVER (
                 PARTITION BY sender_name
                 ORDER BY transaction_date
                 RANGE BETWEEN INTERVAL '6 23:59:59.999999999' DAY TO SECOND PRECEDING
                           AND INTERVAL '0 00:00:00.000000000' DAY TO SECOND FOLLOWING
               ) AS previous_weekly_amount
        FROM   transactions
    WHERE  has_weekly_total_over_1000 > 0;

    Which, for the sample data, outputs:

    1111 Alice 2023-01-03 01:26:29.000000000 700
    2222 Alice 2023-01-05 04:26:29.000000000 450
    3333 Alice 2023-01-08 18:26:29.000000000 1000
    4444 Alice 2023-01-09 04:26:29.000000000 200
    6666 Betty 2023-03-12 15:26:29.000000000 845
    7777 Betty 2023-03-19 11:00:29.000000000 300
    1234 Carol 2023-09-10 03:26:29.000000000 500
    4567 Carol 2023-09-11 08:26:29.000000000 501
    2345 Carol 2023-09-17 04:26:29.000000000 1001

    Option 2, is simpler as you just need to use an analytic function and aggregate by the sender and the ISO week:

    SELECT id,
    FROM   (
      SELECT id,
             SUM(amount) OVER (PARTITION BY sender_name, TRUNC(transaction_date, 'IW'))
               AS weekly_amount
      FROM   transactions
    WHERE  weekly_amount > 1000;

    Which, for the sample data, outputs:

    1111 Alice 2023-01-03 01:26:29.000000000 700
    2222 Alice 2023-01-05 04:26:29.000000000 450
    3333 Alice 2023-01-08 18:26:29.000000000 1000
    4567 Carol 2023-09-11 08:26:29.000000000 501
    2345 Carol 2023-09-17 04:26:29.000000000 1001
