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In NestJS 10, how do I set my FileValidator to only accept image uploads?

I'm using NestJS 10. I want to create a file upload endpoint that only accepts image file uploads. I created

      { name: 'frontImg', maxCount: 1 },
      { name: 'backImg', maxCount: 1 },
  async create(
    @Req() req: Request,
    @Body('title') title: string,
    @Body('frontImgAltText') frontImgAltText: string,
    @Body('category') category: Occasion,
      new ParseFilePipe({
        validators: [
          new FileTypeValidator({ fileType: /(jpg|jpeg|png|webp)$/ }),
    files: { frontImg: Express.Multer.File[]; backImg?: Express.Multer.File[] },
  ) { ... }

but when I execute a request against the endpoint, it consistently fails with the error

    "message": "Validation failed (expected type is /(jpg|jpeg|png|webp)$/)",
    "error": "Bad Request",
    "statusCode": 400

What's the proper way to create a validator that only accepts certain image file types?


  • The issue here is that when isValid method from the built-in FileTypeValidator is called it gets an object with the two fields frontImg and backImg: enter image description here and it makes sense since files is defined like that here:

     files: { frontImg: Express.Multer.File[]; backImg?: Express.Multer.File[] }

    and it doesn't have any mimetype whatsoever.

    I think one way to work around this can be to create a small pipe that forwards every file to FileTypeValidator like this:

          { name: 'frontImg', maxCount: 1 },
          { name: 'backImg', maxCount: 1 },
      async uploadTest(
          transform: (fileRequest: {
            frontImg: Express.Multer.File[];
            backImg?: Express.Multer.File[];
          }) => {
            const validator = new FileTypeValidator({
              fileType: /(jpg|jpeg|png|webp)$/,
            if (
              validator.isValid(fileRequest.frontImg[0]) &&
            ) {
              return fileRequest;
            throw new HttpException(validator.buildErrorMessage(), 400);
        files: {
          frontImg: Express.Multer.File[];
          backImg?: Express.Multer.File[];
      ) {