I am trying to change the axis labels for the cardinal points from the windrose plot from NESW to NOSW as I want to present my graph in German. Is there a simple way to do so?
I took the whole code from the windRose function and changed the part axislabs <- c("N", "E", "S", "W") to axislabs <- c("N", "O", "S", "W") in Line 410. I then saved it under a new name windRose_D. I've downloaded the package lattice but I still get the error: Error in checkNum(mydata, vars = c(ws, wd)) : could not find function "checkNum". I don't know where I can find the package with the checkNum function...
Is there maybe a easier way to change the axis labels without changing the complete function?
I don't think there is a simple way of passing a parameter to windRose
, but you can modify the function itself. By trial and error, using the body
function to modify the elements of windRose
, we can do the following...
body(windRose)[[70]][[3]][["panel"]][[3]][[11]][[3]][[9]][[4]][[2]][[3]][[3]] <- "O"