Here's my video file name "[M⧸V] 김예림(림킴) - Confess To You :: 킹더랜드(King the Land) OST Part.2 [vzH3-8_Y7oo].mp4"
import subprocess
filename = subprocess.getoutput(f'yt-dlp -f 399 {url} --print filename')
Here's the output [MV] () - Confess To You :: (King the Land) OST Part.2 [vzH3-8_Y7oo].mp4
as can see '/' and Korean character is missing how to solve it?
I try
import subprocess
import unicodedata
filename = subprocess.getoutput(f'yt-dlp -f 399 {url} --print filename')
filename_normalized = unicodedata.normalize('NFKD', filename).encode('ascii', 'ignore').decode('utf-8')
but still cannot print the right filename, I found that I could properly print Mandarin character within the file while Korean character cannot
Solved I add "--encoding utf-8" at the end of link
cmd = "yt-dlp -f 399 --print filename --encoding utf-8"
videos = RUN(cmd.split(), capture_output=True, encoding='utf-8').stdout
The run() function of the subprocess module is the preferred mechanism. You can provide an encoding specification.
from subprocess import run as RUN
cmd = [
print(RUN(cmd, capture_output=True, encoding="utf-8").stdout) this output:
[M⧸V] 김예림(림킴) - Confess To You :: 킹더랜드(King the Land) OST Part.2 [vzH3-8_Y7oo].mp4