Search code examples

Expression within condition

This is a follow-up question:

I want to aggregate the average of a collection only for documents with type: 'buy'. So the problem is how to apply the if condition in the sum expression and same goes for totalBuyAmount.

These are example documents:

    _id: ObjectId("653c4c017800342a3bedb82e"),
    type: 'buy',
    item: 555,
    amount: 1,
    priceEach: 100000
    _id: ObjectId("653c4c017800342a3bedb830"),
    type: 'buy',
    item: 384,
    amount: 2,
    priceEach: 70000
    _id: ObjectId("653c4c017800342a3bedb831"),
    type: 'buy',
    item: 384,
    amount: 1,
    priceEach: 50000
    _id: ObjectId("653c4c017800342a3bedb831"),
    type: 'sell',
    item: 384,
    amount: -1,
    priceEach: 50000

I need the totalBuyPrice only if type === 'buy'.

    $group: {
      _id: "$item",
      totalBuyPrice: {
        $sum: { // Only if type === 'buy'
          $multiply: [
      totalBuyAmount: // $sum $amount if type === 'buy'
      totalAmount: {
        $sum: "$amount"
    $project: {
      _id: 1,
      avg: {
        $divide: [
      amount: "$totalAmount"


  • You can add $cond operator to perform calculations based on the condition.

        $group: {
          _id: "$item",
          totalBuyPrice: {
            $sum: {
              $cond: [
                  $eq: [
                  $multiply: [
          totalBuyAmount: {
            $sum: {
              $cond: [
                  $eq: [
          totalAmount: {
            $sum: "$amount"
        $project: {
          _id: 1,
          avg: {
            $divide: [
          amount: "$totalAmount"

    Demo @ Mongo Playground