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read a file in NiFi with expression

I have a NiFi flow triggered by e-mail. The problem is that ListFile and GetFile processors are not initiated externally.

What I need:

I have some files:

context variable #{folder_to_read} = /home/input

I need to:

  • receive a letter and initiate flowfile (done by ConsumeEWS processor)
  • check and read a file by the patterns like MyBranches_$(now():format('yyyy-MM_dd'))_*.csv in the input folder
  • manipulate with data in a file (files).

The problem is that I can't find how to do it in one pipeline. ListFile and GetFile processors cannot be triggerd by e-mail, fenchfile doesn't accept a regular-like pattern.

Could you share how to do it in NiFi? Maybe it is possible to do this by ExecuteScript processor + python/groovy?


  • the following answer provides groovy as soon as question owner accepts this language as well

    I assume that incoming flowfile looks like this:

    #some comment

    use GroovyExecuteScript processor, add base_path parameter to it that points to a folder with files you want to read and set script body to:

    def ff = session.get()
    if(!ff) return
    //read lines from incoming file and filter comments and empty lines
    def lines ="UTF-8"){r-> r.readLines()}.findAll{s-> s && !s.startsWith('#')}
    def outFiles = []
        def ffOut = ff.clone(false) //clone all attributes, but not content
        ffOut.filename = s
        new File("${base_path}/${s}").withInputStream{rawIn->
            ffOut.write{rawOut-> rawOut << rawIn} // import content from file
    ff.remove() //drop current flowfile
    REL_SUCCESS << outFiles //transfer to success new file list