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context-sensitive phpinfo() with specification of a path

I wrote a parser in 2019 that prepares and outputs phpinfo() for my OpenSource Hosting-Panel "fruithost".

Here I had found a way to output the phpinfo() with the scope of a previously specified directory, since a hosting user can also create a php.ini in subdirectories.

The special thing about the method was that the whole thing is executed directly via the web server and PHP-FPM and thus exclusively uses the phpinfo(); of a previously specified directory.

Unfortunately for me, I had lost the part at that time due to git stashing, my efforts to recover the file (here I have already exhausted all conceivable possibilities) were in vain.

Now I want to start the whole topic anew and look again for the possibility to implement my intention.

Problem with the story:

I can't just print phpinfo(), because here the configuration is printed, which runs over a completely different context. As you know, there is no phpinfo('/path/to/php.ini') method. 🙄

Using the PHP CLI via php -i -c /destination/path/ does not work here, because the whole thing is executed by php-cli with a different context and also the output does not happen in HTML. In particular, other PHP modules that do not represent the configuration of PHP-FPM are loaded here.

Desired behavior:

On the screenshot you can see what is needed: At the very top right, a domain can be selected. For example or The domains are located in the following path:


If the user selects a domain in the upper right corner (example, phpinfo() uses the directory /var/fruithost/<username>/, because a php.ini could be located here.

This base is then used to control the output of phpinfo().

What are the ideas and approaches?

For those interested: I had uploaded a screenshot back when I finished the 2019 part, this is what the result looked like: Preview


  • I have found a other solution, with better way to call PHP-FPM directly:

        # Executement-Path
        $path   = '/var/fruithost/users/admin/' . $this->domain . '/';
        # PHP-fpm
        $socket = '/run/php/php8.2-fpm.sock';
        # Create temporarely phpinfo();
        $tmp    = '';
        file_put_contents(sprintf('%s%s', $path, $tmp), '<?php phpinfo(); ?>');
        $args = '';
            'SCRIPTS_DIR'       => $tmp,
            'HOME'              => $path,
            'PWD'               => $path,
            'DOCUMENT_ROOT'     => $path,
            'SCRIPT_FILENAME'   => sprintf('%s%s', $path, $tmp),
            'REQUEST_METHOD'    => 'GET'
        ] AS $name => $value) {
            $args .= sprintf('%s=%s \\%s', $name, $value, PHP_EOL);
        $command    = sprintf('%scgi-fcgi -bind -connect "%s" 2>&1', $args, $socket);
        $result     = shell_exec($command);
        @unlink(sprintf('%s%s', $path, $tmp));

    I think my previous version from 2019 has no used temporare files, but its another (ugly) way here.