I have two tables in an SQL database with a one-to-many relationship. I'm modeling this with sequelize.js. Each table has a date field. I'd like to write a single findAll query that can do a LEFT JOIN and filter for any row with a date in a certain range. I can write the query in SQL, but I can't figure out how to write an options object to pass to findAll to reproduce the same query.
Here is the setup:
class Customer extends Model {}
Customer.init( {
id: {
type: DataTypes.INTEGER,
autoIncrement: true,
primaryKey: true
date_of_registration: DataTypes.DATE
} );
class Purchase extends Model {}
Purchase.init( {
id: {
type: DataTypes.INTEGER,
autoIncrement: true,
primaryKey: true
date_of_purchase: DataTypes.DATE
} );
Customer.hasMany( Purchase, {
foreignKey: { allowNull: false, name: 'customer_id' }
} );
Purchase.belongsTo( Customer, {
foreignKey: { allowNull: false, name: 'customer_id' }
} );
Here is the query I'd like to run:
SELECT Customer.date_of_registration,
FROM Customer
LEFT JOIN Purchase
ON Customer.id = Purchase.customer_id
WHERE Customer.date_of_registration > '2023-10-24'
OR Purchase.date_of_purchase > '2023-10-24'
GROUP BY Customer.id;
I've tried many incorrect things, but the closest I can get is putting the query for the date_of_purchase in an ON clause in the LEFT JOIN instead in an OR clause under the WHERE clause. Here is what I've tried:
Customer.findAll( {
where: {
date_of_registration: {
[ Op.gt ]: new Date( '2023-10-24' )
include: [ {
model: Purchase,
where: {
date_of_purchase: {
[ Op.gt ]: new Date( '2023-10-24' )
attributes: [],
required: false
} ]
} );
This query outputs this SQL:
SELECT "Customer"."id", "Customer"."date_of_registration", "Purchase"."date_of_purchase"
FROM "customer" AS "Customer"
LEFT OUTER JOIN "purchase" AS "Purchase"
ON "Customer"."id" = "Purchase"."customer_id"
AND "Purchase"."date_of_purchase" > '2023-10-24 00:00:00.000 +00:00'
WHERE "Customer"."date_of_registration" > '2023-10-24 00:00:00.000 +00:00'
GROUP BY "Customer"."id";
How do I modify the Customer.findAll call to output the first query without using a Raw Query?
I'm not sure about representing the whole original SQL query as a Sequelize query via a model's findAll
(because it's an aggregation query and it's almost always hard to write such queries w/o literals or as a plain SQL query in Sequelize) but as for representing the given OR condition it could look like this:
Customer.findAll( {
where: {
[Op.or]: [{
date_of_registration: {
[ Op.gt ]: new Date( '2023-10-24' )
}, {
'$purchase.date_of_purchase$': {
[ Op.gt ]: new Date( '2023-10-24' )
include: [ {
model: Purchase,
attributes: [],
required: false
} ]
} );