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Conditional Access policy via microsoft graph cmdlets

I have an issue with setting-up conditional access policy via microsoft.graph cmdlets

    $params = @{
        displayName = "Block Legacy authentication"
        state = "disabled"
        conditions = @{
           applications = @{
                includeApplication = @(
        users = @{
            includeUsers = @(
            excludeGroups = @(
        clientAppTypes = @(
            'exchangeActiveSync', 'other'
    grantControls = @{
        operator = "OR"
        builtInControls = @(
New-MgIdentityConditionalAccessPolicy -BodyParameter $params

Code showed above throws an following error:

New-MgIdentityConditionalAccessPolicy : 1007: Incoming ConditionalAccessPolicy object is null or does not match the schema of ConditionalAccessPolicy type. For examples, please see API documentation at
Status: 400 (BadRequest)
ErrorCode: BadRequest
Date: 2023-10-27T12:12:30
Transfer-Encoding             : chunked
Vary                          : Accept-Encoding
Strict-Transport-Security     : max-age=31536000
request-id                    : 956cdf72-b772-4537-8a20-caff949ef3c1
ErrorId : BadRequest,Microsoft.Graph.PowerShell.Cmdlets.NewMgIdentityConditionalAccessPolicy_Create

Do you notice anything that's wrong with my script? From what I've known it should


  • The error usually occurs if you are not passing $params in correct format. To resolve the error, check the JSON body parameter and ensure that it matches the schema of ConditionalAccessPolicy type.

    In my case, I ran below modified script by properly formatting the $params like this:

    Import-Module Microsoft.Graph.Identity.SignIns
    $ExcludeCAGroup = Get-MgGroup -Filter "DisplayName eq 'SriGroup'"
    $params = @{
            displayName = "Block Legacy authentication"
            state = "disabled"
            conditions = @{
                clientAppTypes = @(
               applications = @{
                    includeApplications = @(
               users = @{
                    includeUsers = @(
                    excludeGroups = @(
            grantControls = @{
                operator = "OR"
                builtInControls = @(
    New-MgIdentityConditionalAccessPolicy -BodyParameter $params


    enter image description here

    To confirm that, I checked the same in Portal where conditional access policy created successfully as below:

    enter image description here