I want to animate view in the list conditionally based on its position in the list. Here are the codes
<GestureHandlerRootView style={{ flex: 1 }}>
<GestureDetector gesture={pan}>
{props.children.map((children, index) => (
index === sharedActiveIndex.value ? activeItemAnimatedStyle : index === sharedActiveIndex.value + 1 ? nextItemAnimatedStyle : defaultAnimatedStyle,
As you see there is animated.view inside .map
function. I want to animate the value based on its position in the array. I feel like this isn't the right way and its creating flickering issue upon release of drag, as you can see in this image below.
You can see full code and try here https://snack.expo.dev/k4EsyHF9j
What I can do to fix this?
Well your point is correct. The issue is that you're updating the whole style. The trick is to keep the same style and animate just what you need (inside the same style).
Here's a hint:
{props.children.map((children, index) => {
const rItemStyle = useAnimatedStyle(()=> {
return {
transform: [{
scale: withTiming(index === sharedActiveIndex.value ? 1.2 : 1)
return <Animated.View
Of course it's not a good idea to use "useAnimatedStyle" inside a hook. The best thing to do is to create another component that accepts both sharedActiveIndex (Animated.SharedValue) and index (number) as props, in order to shift this logic there.
By doing that the animation won't flicker anymore. But... the transition will happen only when the item is totally highlighted.
Wouldn't be great if the scale increases and decreases while scrolling? To do that you need to animate by using the interpolate function instead.
Maybe this tutorial can be helpful.