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Dockerise Symfony and PostgreSQL database, no datas in prod, Ok in dev

I have a symfony 6.3 web app in docker container (php-fpm-alpine) which used a mysql container. After migrate mysql database to postgresql, I update .env DATABASE_URL to switch to postgresql database and it works fine in dev, it could retrieve datas in database ! I would like to push in production, and if I first don't set correctly the postgresql password (error 500 docker logs return : connection to server at "my_postgres_service_name" (x.x.x.x), port xxxx failed: FATAL: password authentication failed for user, after set it correctly, I have no more errors… BUT I don't retrieve any datas !

        php bin/console doctrine:mapping:info returns all entities [OK]
        php bin/console doctrine:schema:validate returns :  


 [FAIL] The entity-class App\Entity\Sample mapping is invalid:
 * The field App\Entity\Sample#result is on the inverse side of a bi-directional relationship, but the specified mappedBy association on the target-entity App\Entity\Result#sample does not contain the required 'inversedBy="result"' attribute.


 [OK] The query yielded an empty result set.

After correction :

 [OK] The mapping files are correct.                                                                                    

[critical] Error thrown while running command "'d:s:v'". Message: "Environment variable not found: "MESSENGER_TRANSPORT_DSN"."

In EnvVarProcessor.php line 187:
  Environment variable not found: "MESSENGER_TRANSPORT_DSN".  

2023-10-20T13:21:49+00:00 [info] User Deprecated: The annotation mapping driver is deprecated and will be removed in Doctrine ORM 3.0, please migrate to the attribute or XML driver. (AnnotationDriver.php:68 called by App_KernelDevDebugContainer.php:1355,, package doctrine/orm)
2023-10-20T13:21:49+00:00 [info] User Deprecated: Column::setCustomSchemaOptions() is deprecated. Use setPlatformOptions() instead. (Column.php:424 called by Column.php:92,, package doctrine/dbal)

but in dev, it is always running fine.

I had different version to PHP, so I switched dev and prod to php 8.2.11 without changes regarding my issue

I checked env file, change in DATABASE_URL database password -> error 500, put back, no error… but always no datas

I tested a DBAL access SELECT * FROM an_usual_table -> ok en dev, error 404 in prod

If I connect to database container docker exec -it database_postgresql_container psql -U read-write-username database-name and run above request, it returns correctly records, so used user role have correct permissions

As explain en, I tried to add @ORM\Table(schema="my-schema-name") in an entity, no change in dev (always run correctly), no change in prod (always no datas)

I also have a postgREST container to have API on postgresql database, with same port in dev and prod.

I spent several days to search and I don't understand. Help welcome !

EDIT : to get rid of symfony and doctrine, I created a file with the minimal code to read a table. If I run it on my dev host, it's fine, but if I run it from my container, I get the error Call to undefined function pg_connect()

phpinfo() return on my (dev) host (php installed with phpbrew to have the same version as in dev/prod) :

    Configure Command =>  './configure' … '--with-pgsql=/usr/bin' '--with-pdo-pgsql=/usr/bin'


    PDO support => enabled 

    PDO drivers => mysql, pgsql pdo_mysql

    PDO Driver for PostgreSQL => enabled

    PostgreSQL(libpq) Version => 14.9

and in docker php container (dev and prod):

I've got


    PDO support => enabled 

    PDO drivers => mysql, pgsql pdo_mysql

    PDO Driver for PostgreSQL => enabled

    PostgreSQL(libpq) Version => 15.4

but no --with-pdo-pgsql nor --with-pgsql !

Even if I've got in my Dockerfile :

    RUN apk --no-cache update \ 
    && apk --no-cache add bash icu-dev libzip-dev zip postgresql-dev \ 
    && docker-php-ext-configure intl \ 
    && docker-php-ext-configure pgsql -with-pgsql=/usr/local/pgsql \ 
    && docker-php-ext-install pdo pdo_pgsql intl zip \ 
    && echo "Europe/Paris" > /etc/timezone

I change nothing in my php.ini, but I understand correctly, docker-php-ext-configure or install do it

Even if it's a clue, it doesn't explain why it works in dev and not in prod!


  • After many tests, I run a simple php connection to postgres without using symfony/doctrine, based on and the same issue, no datas, no error.

    So I connected to my postgresql container, run

              List of schemas
       Name   |          Owner          
    my-schema-name | <user_name>
     public   | postgres
    (2 rows)
    <my_data_base_name>=# select * from period_list; # request on default schema -> public !!!!
     id | fr_name | gb_name | wiki_data_alignment | bnf_alignment
    (0 rows)
    <my_data_base_name>=# select * from my-schema-name.period_list; # if I define my app schema name, I have got correct datas
     id |        fr_name        |       gb_name       | wiki_data_alignment | bnf_alignment
      1 | Paléolithique         | Paleolithic         | Q40203              | 
      2 | …

    and understand than I probably make an error than define same tables in public schema.

    BE CAREFUL, if you use postgis, postgis default installation uses public schema (cf.

    DROP SCHEMA public CASCADE; # delete public default schema, unused
    ALTER DATABASE <my_data_base_name> SET search_path = <my-user-name>,<my-schema-name> 

    The second line is a workaround, I test @ORM\Table('') in SF but not works in prod (perhaps a cache issue)… I should find the right solution to define schema in SF.

    link about default schema that help me