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Grails oddness when trying to download a file from a URL

I'm trying to automate firmware updates on some of my systems. So, I first download a firmware file from the vendors website, and then I want to upload this to my TFTP server ready for my devices to pick up the new firmware.

I am using the following code to do this:-

def initiateUpdate(){
        println "Firmware download failed"
        return false

def downloadFirmware(){
    String downloadURL = ''
    redirect(url: downloadURL)
    return true  

And this all works nicely, and I get a fw1.bin in my downloads directory. But when I try to seamlessly upload it to my TFTP server, it's breaking the firmware download somehow. i.e. If I now add :-

def initiateUpdate(){
        println "Firmware download failed"
        return false
        print "Firmware upload failed"
        return false

def downloadFirmware(){
    String downloadURL = ''
    redirect(url: downloadURL)
    return true  

def uploadFirmware(){
    String home = System.getProperty("user.home");
    def file=home + "\\Downloads\\fw1.bin"

    //  Now do the TFTP upload


When I do the initiateUpdate, it doesn't download the file anymore, it arrives at the uploadFirmware section and fails as there is no file to upload.

I think I'm misunderstanding how the redirect works, so any pointers as to what I'm doing wrong, or a better way of doing it would be gratefully received.


  • You must use some some sort of http client to download the file from a remote location and save it on your server's disk. You can not do it with redirects inside the browser.

    What I mean can look like so:

    def uploadFirmware(){
        String home = System.getProperty("user.home");
        File file = new File( home, "\\Downloads\\fw1.bin" )
        String url = ''
        file.withOutputStream{ it << new URL( url ).inputStream() }