I have an JSON obect where I have an key policyList whose value type is array. Inside policyList there is another array under the key named product.
Here I want to change the value of amount which is inside each object of the array product.
I am able to change it but in the end I am getting only the array of amount where as I want the whole orignal object which modified amount values.
Please refer to this link for the data in JSONata Exerciser link where I have the data and the expression I have written.
"admissionDate": "2023-10-04",
"claimCaseId": 123,
"claimCaseStatusDescp": "Waiting",
"claimTypeDescp": "Hospitalization",
"dischargeDate": "2023-10-20",
"hospital": "abc",
"policyList": [
"policyNo": "P1",
"product": [
"amount": 10243,
"claimDecision": "7",
"claimDecisionDescp": "Pending",
"productName": "Auto"
"amount": 1023,
"claimDecision": "7",
"claimDecisionDescp": "Pending",
"productName": "Mob"
"amount": 100000,
"claimDecision": "8",
"claimDecisionDescp": "Approved",
"productName": "PA"
"reasonCode": ""
The expression I have written is:
$map($.policyList.product.amount, function($amount) {
The output coming is:
The expected output is:
"admissionDate": "2023-10-04",
"claimCaseId": 123,
"claimCaseStatusDescp": "Waiting",
"claimTypeDescp": "Hospitalization",
"dischargeDate": "2023-10-20",
"hospital": "abc",
"policyList": [
"policyNo": "P1",
"product": [
"amount": "10,243",
"claimDecision": "7",
"claimDecisionDescp": "Pending",
"productName": "Auto"
"amount": "1,023",
"claimDecision": "7",
"claimDecisionDescp": "Pending",
"productName": "Mob"
"amount": "100,000",
"claimDecision": "8",
"claimDecisionDescp": "Approved",
"productName": "PA"
"reasonCode": ""
NOTE: In the expected output I have shown amount as a string but I am okay with any data type there, given that my operations on the value is present in the output in place
To update a nested object in place, you can use the Transform operator:
$$ ~> |policyList.product|{"amount": $formatNumber(amount,'#,###')}|
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