Search code examples

Mutate new column in tibble with values of other columns by matched pattern

My tibble:

df <- tibble(a = c(1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9,10),
                 b = c("", "", "1", "", "1", "3", "2", "", "5", ""),
                 c = c("", "", "", "", "x1", "x3", "x2", "", "x5", ""),
                 d = c("", "", "1", "", "1", "3", "2", "", "5", ""),
                 e = c("x1", "x4", "", "x5", "", "", "", "x2", "", "x2"))

# A tibble: 10 × 5
       a b     c     d     e    
   <dbl> <chr> <chr> <chr> <chr>
 1     1 ""    ""    ""    "x1" 
 2     2 ""    ""    ""    "x4" 
 3     3 "1"   ""    "1"   ""   
 4     4 ""    ""    ""    "x5" 
 5     5 "1"   "x1"  "1"   ""   
 6     6 "3"   "x3"  "3"   ""   
 7     7 "2"   "x2"  "2"   ""   
 8     8 ""    ""    ""    "x2" 
 9     9 "5"   "x5"  "5"   ""   
10    10 ""    ""    ""    "x2" 

The desired outcome:

# A tibble: 10 × 6
       a b     c     d     e     f    
   <dbl> <chr> <chr> <chr> <chr> <chr>
 1     1 ""    ""    ""    "x1"  "x1" 
 2     2 ""    ""    ""    "x4"  "x4" 
 3     3 "1"   ""    "1"   ""    ""   
 4     4 ""    ""    ""    "x5"  "x5" 
 5     5 "1"   "x1"  "1"   ""    "x1" 
 6     6 "3"   "x3"  "3"   ""    "x3" 
 7     7 "2"   "x2"  "2"   ""    "x2" 
 8     8 ""    ""    ""    "x2"  "x2" 
 9     9 "5"   "x5"  "5"   ""    "x5" 
10    10 ""    ""    ""    "x2"  "x2" 

I want to add a new column with that value of a row that has an "x" in it. I don't want to specify the columns. I just want to look at any number of column there is, which may vary.

Somehow like this, maybe:

df %>%
 find_value_with_x_per_row %>%
 put_that_value_in_new_column_per_row %>%


  • Here we check each column if there is an x. If so combine them and put it into new column f. This is important if you have two columns with an x in one row:

    df %>% 
      mutate(across(a:e, ~case_when(grepl("x", .) ~.), .names = 'new_{col}')) %>%
      unite(f, starts_with('new'), na.rm = TRUE, sep = ' ')
          a b     c     d     e     f    
       <dbl> <chr> <chr> <chr> <chr> <chr>
     1     1 ""    ""    ""    "x1"  "x1" 
     2     2 ""    ""    ""    "x4"  "x4" 
     3     3 "1"   ""    "1"   ""    ""   
     4     4 ""    ""    ""    "x5"  "x5" 
     5     5 "1"   "x1"  "1"   ""    "x1" 
     6     6 "3"   "x3"  "3"   ""    "x3" 
     7     7 "2"   "x2"  "2"   ""    "x2" 
     8     8 ""    ""    ""    "x2"  "x2" 
     9     9 "5"   "x5"  "5"   ""    "x5" 
    10    10 ""    ""    ""    "x2"  "x2" 

    Consider this example:

    df <- tibble(a = c(1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9,10),
                 b = c("", "", "x1", "", "1", "3", "2", "", "5", ""),
                 c = c("", "", "", "", "x1", "x3", "x2", "", "x5", ""),
                 d = c("", "", "x1", "", "1", "3", "2", "", "5", ""),
                 e = c("x1", "x4", "", "x5", "", "", "", "x2", "", "x2"))
    # A tibble: 10 × 6
           a b     c     d     e     f    
       <dbl> <chr> <chr> <chr> <chr> <chr>
     1     1 ""    ""    ""    "x1"  x1   
     2     2 ""    ""    ""    "x4"  x4   
     3     3 "x1"  ""    "x1"  ""    x1   
     4     4 ""    ""    ""    "x5"  x5   
     5     5 "1"   "x1"  "1"   ""    x1   
     6     6 "3"   "x3"  "3"   ""    x3   
     7     7 "2"   "x2"  "2"   ""    x2   
     8     8 ""    ""    ""    "x2"  x2   
     9     9 "5"   "x5"  "5"   ""    x5   
    10    10 ""    ""    ""    "x2"  x2  
    df %>% 
      mutate(across(a:e, ~case_when(grepl("x", .) ~.), .names = 'new_{col}')) %>%
      unite(f, starts_with('new'), na.rm = TRUE, sep = ' ')
           a b     c     d     e     f    
       <dbl> <chr> <chr> <chr> <chr> <chr>
     1     1 ""    ""    ""    "x1"  x1   
     2     2 ""    ""    ""    "x4"  x4   
     3     3 "x1"  ""    "x1"  ""    x1 x1
     4     4 ""    ""    ""    "x5"  x5   
     5     5 "1"   "x1"  "1"   ""    x1   
     6     6 "3"   "x3"  "3"   ""    x3   
     7     7 "2"   "x2"  "2"   ""    x2   
     8     8 ""    ""    ""    "x2"  x2   
     9     9 "5"   "x5"  "5"   ""    x5   
    10    10 ""    ""    ""    "x2"  x2