How can I access and manipulate individual rows in a MudDataGrid within a Blazor WebAssembly application using C#? Specifically, I want to change the background color or remove rows programmatically. Sample Project
Similar question but different context ...
You could access and modify the specific Person in the People IEnummerable. I'm using a List
instead of an IEnummerable
, just so I can use Remove
, RemoveAt
To remove a row you can use
private void RemoveRow(int index)
To change the background-color use the RowStyleFunc
of the DataGrid. But before add a new Property ColorCode
on Person
public record Person(string Name, int Age, string State, string ColorCode){
public string ColorCode{get; set;}
And use and define the RowStyleFunc of the DataGrid
<MudDataGrid T="Person" Items="@People" ColumnResizeMode="ResizeMode.Container" @ref="mudGrid" RowStyleFunc="@_rowStyleFunc">
private Func<Person, int, string> _rowStyleFunc => (x, i) =>
// clear all rowStyles
string style = string.Empty;
style += $"background-color:#{x.ColorCode}";
return style;
And finally a method to change the property ColorCode
private async void ChangeRowBackgroundColor(int index)
People[index].ColorCode = "FFFFFF";
Additionally you can also add Buttons to each row and access the person there
<PropertyColumn Property="x => x.Name" CellStyle="max-width: 100px; overflow-x: hidden; white-space: nowrap;" />
<TemplateColumn T="Person" TProperty="String" Sortable="false" Filterable="false" Title="Buttons">
<MudMenu Label="Actions" Variant="Variant.Filled" DisableElevation="true"
EndIcon="@Icons.Material.Filled.KeyboardArrowDown" IconColor="Color.Secondary" TransformOrigin="Origin.TopLeft">
<MudMenuItem OnClick="@(async () => await RemovePerson(context.Item))">Remove me!</MudMenuItem>
<MudMenuItem OnClick="@(async () => await ColorPerson(context.Item))">Color Me!</MudMenuItem>
private async Task RemovePerson(Person person)