I have the below code, how would i replace the '1' within the below with a variable ?
Set objorderline1 = objXML.createElement("OrderLine")
Set objorderline1att = objXML.createAttribute("xmlns")
objorderline1att.text = ""
objorderline1.setAttributeNode objorderline1att
objorder.appendChild objorderline1
e.g. Set objlinenumber(linenumber) = objXML.createElement("LineNumber")
objlinenumber(linenumber).text = linenumber
objorderline(linenumber).appendChild objlinenumber(linenumber)
Set objproduct(linenumber) = objXML.createElement("Product")
I want to be able to loop through a table of products from the database and create separate nodes for each product in the XML.
Thank you
Building the string then adding that variable into the code works as expected. Quite a straight forward one but here is the solution.
s = "objorderline" & linenumber
t = "objorderlineatt" & linenumber
ln = "objlinenumber" & linenumber
pr = "objproduct" & linenumber
Set s = objXML.createElement("OrderLine")
Set t = objXML.createAttribute("xmlns")
t.text = ""
s.setAttributeNode t
objorder.appendChild s
Set ln = objXML.createElement("LineNumber")
ln.text = linenumber
s.appendChild ln
Set pr = objXML.createElement("Product")