I've written a batch-file, which renames all the PDF-files in the current folder and all its subfolders.
There are problems...
When I use For /R %%I
I cannot find the path of the file, name and foldername.
When I don't use the above, it only finds in the current folder but the script works.
I only know the For %%i
command to be able to use set foldername=%%i
which is probably not how I'm supposed to do it. I now need multiple do set*
in order to write each piece of information.
The result i want it from a pdf in path: C:\Users\Downloads\AREA 1\xyyz.pdf to automatically rename to C:\Users\Downloads\AREA 1\AREA 1_xyyz.pdf when the script is in the map C:\Users\Downloads
And preferably move the file over afterwards.
Yet I cannot seem to be able to command the file itself when using For /R
When using the For /R
command I cannot seem to access the right filename, mapname and filepath in order to change it's name.
echo on
setlocal enabledelayedexpansion
set "folderpath=%~dp0"
cd %folderpath%
for /r %%I in ("*.pdf") do ( for %%i in (.) do ( (set fname=%%i) & for %%I in (.) do ( (set fldnm=%%~nxI) & call :rename ) ) )
goto :eof
echo "%fldnm%_%fname%"
ren "%fname%" "%fldnm%_%fname%"
goto :eof
I don't understand what your code does... However, this solution does what your description specify:
EDIT: Small rename problem fixed
echo on
setlocal enabledelayedexpansion
set "folderpath=%~dp0"
cd %folderpath%
for /F "delims=" %%I in ('dir /B /S *.pdf') do (
set "fldnm=%%~pI"
for %%i in ("!fldnm:~0,-1!") do (
ren "%%~fI" "%%~ni_%%~nI%%~xI"
goto :eof