I have been trying to use a Fault Consumer to process additional information, but the context for the Fault Consumer doesnt appear to have any of the MT-* headers that I can see in RabbitMq Management Tool when I manually get a message from the error queue there. Here is the code I was using
public async Task Consume(ConsumeContext<Fault<TestDto>> context)
var producingService = context.Message.Host.ProcessName;
var consumerName = context.Headers.Get<string>("MT-Fault-ConsumerType", "Unknown");
public async Task Consume(ConsumeContext<TestDto> context)
throw new Exception("Test");
The only header I can see is MT-Fault-RetryCount (if I enable retries). I was expecting to see all the MT-* headers like MT-Fault-Message and so on. For the most part I can get all the fault details from the context.Message.Exceptions, but was hoping there was a way to grab the consumer name. Is there another way to grab the consumer name, or should it be there in the headers and I'm possibly doing something wrong?
Those headers are only added when the message is moved to the _error queue. They are not added to the Fault<T>
produced by the consumer pipeline.