I want to search for local maxima and minima through a series of iterations until the list has only one element remaining. Then that last element is the 'winner'. The list contains pairs of player names with corresponding integers separated by a colon.
In short:
The issue is, after the local minima search, I can't seem to correctly proceed to the local maxima search and to the next iteration when the list still has more than one item. So the results don't seem to match what I am expecting.
Here is my code.
def select_mid(players: str):
player_list = players.split() # Split the input string into individual name:identifier pairs
ranks = [int(pair.split(":")[1]) for pair in player_list] # Extract and convert the identifiers to integers
minima_list = []
maxima_list = []
round = 0
for i in range(1, len(ranks)):
if len(player_list) > 1:
# Here search is "current_rank < prev_rank and current_rank < next_rank"
prev_rank, current_rank, next_rank = ranks[i-1], ranks[i], ranks[i] if i == len(ranks) - 1 else ranks[i+1]
if current_rank < prev_rank and current_rank < next_rank:
player_list = minima_list
#Here search is "current_rank > prev_rank and current_rank > next_rank"
if current_rank > prev_rank and current_rank > next_rank:
player_list = maxima_list
round +=1
elif len(player_list) == 1:
selection = player_list[0]
return f"{selection} is selected in round: {round} "
# Example inputs:
result = select_mid("Hulk:70 Kitana:83 Kunglao:20 goro:68 e:50 f:67 DE:40 Ef:177 Sindel:130 Konami:179 Fifa:95 ps:123 Fujin:101 name:134 Hola:89 Amari:205 Shakur:175 Rambo:303 Clay:33 Sheba:725 jaki:51")
I am getting Kunglao:20 as the winner in round 1. So obviously, am not able to correctly proceed to the maxima search and iterate accordingly till the final list has 1 element.
minima1 Hulk:70 Kunglao:20 e:50 DE:40 Sindel:130 Fifa:95 Fujin:101 Hola:89 Shakur:175 Clay:33 jaki:51
maxima1 Hulk:70 e:50 Sindel:130 Fujin:101 Shakur:175 jaki:51
minima2 e:50 Fujin:101 jaki:51
maxima2 101
So the Winner here is 101, found in round 2.
Turns out, I had to rethink everything. Posting the answer in case this may be useful to someone in the future.
def select_mid(all):
rounds = 0 # Initialize the number of rounds to 0
pairs_list = all.split()
while len(pairs_list) > 1:
rounds += 1 # Increment the round count at the start of each iteration
local_minima = [] # List to store local minima
local_maxima = [] # List to store local maxima
# Search for local minima
# Dealing with the first element in the list if its local less than next element
if int(pairs_list[0].split(":")[1]) < int(pairs_list[1].split(":")[1]):
# Dealing with the elements within
for i in range(1, len(pairs_list) - 1):
name, rank = pairs_list[i].split(":")
prev_rank = int(pairs_list[i - 1].split(":")[1])
next_rank = int(pairs_list[i + 1].split(":")[1])
if int(rank) < prev_rank and int(rank) < next_rank:
# Include the last item in local minima if it is a local minima
if int(pairs_list[-1].split(":")[1]) < int(pairs_list[-2].split(":")[1]):
# If there are local minima and more than one element, search for local maxima
if local_minima and len(local_minima) > 1:
if int(local_minima[0].split(":")[1]) > int(local_minima[1].split(":")[1]):
for i in range(1, len(local_minima) - 1):
name, rank = local_minima[i].split(":")
prev_rank = int(local_minima[i - 1].split(":")[1])
next_rank = int(local_minima[i + 1].split(":")[1])
if int(rank) > prev_rank and int(rank) > next_rank:
# Include the last item in local maxima if it is a local maxima
if int(local_minima[-1].split(":")[1]) > int(local_minima[-2].split(":")[1]):
# Update the list with local maxima
pairs_list = local_maxima
# If there are no local maxima, update the list with local minima
pairs_list = local_minima
# Extract and print the name from the remaining pair
if pairs_list:
name, id = pairs_list[0].split(":")
return f"The winner is {name} (id: {id}) selected in round {rounds}"
# Example list of pairs containing names and ranks
all = "Hulk:70 Kitana:83 Kunglao:20 goro:68 e:50 f:67 DE:40 Ef:177 Sindel:130 Konami:179 Fifa:95 ps:123 Fujin:101 name:134 Hola:89 Amari:205 Shakur:175 Rambo:303 Clay:33 Sheba:725 jaki:51"
result = select_mid(all)
The result is as expected.