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How to react to Bitbucket PR comments via Rest API

I have a Bitbucket Server and I'm trying to figure out how to react to PR comments via the REST API. I'm referencing this documentation. The example shows:

curl --request PUT \
  --url 'http://{baseurl}/rest/comment-likes/latest/projects/{projectKey}/repos/{repositorySlug}/pull-requests/{pullRequestId}/comments/{commentId}/reactions/{emoticon}' \
  --header 'Accept: application/json'

But I don't know what it's looking for, for {emoticon} do I send a literal emoticon in the URL? Do I use the Unicode value? The value in the documentation just says string, which isn't very helpful for emoticons.

I'm using PowerShell (Invoke-RestMethod) so I tried these values for {emoticon}:

[convert]::ToInt32("1F602", 16)
[char]::ConvertFromUtf32([convert]::ToInt32("1F602", 16))

All of them got various errors like 400 Bad Request.

But aside from the PowerShell piece, if anyone could give insight as to what sort of input they're actually looking for, I could figure out how to do it in PowerShell.


  • After some troubleshooting, it seems it's looking for names of the emoticons. So this:

    Invoke-RestMethod -Method PUT -Uri 'http://{baseurl}/rest/comment-likes/latest/projects/{projectKey}/repos/{repositorySlug}/pull-requests/{pullRequestId}/comments/{commentId}/reactions/heart

    Adds a heart. "smile" adds a smile. But then "laugh" doesn't work but "laughing" does. So now I just need to figure out which names Bitbucket uses for all the rest of the emoticons, or find a list somewhere.