I copied the Level Regulation with MPC example directly as shown at this link: http://apmonitor.com/do/index.php/Main/LevelControl
I am getting two errors, and one is stopping the simulation from completing each time I run a simulation:
What should be corrected with the example to resolve this error?
The public server runs the application in a folder that is based on a unique user ID that is determined at run-time. The MPC script doesn't return an error with Python 3.11 on Windows. One thing to try is to set remote=False
to solve locally and not on the public server.
m = GEKKO(remote=False)
If the public server is used, make sure there aren't two clients accessing the public server at the same time. This could put duplicate files on the server that would cause this error. Switching to the local option is likely the most reliable.
import numpy as np
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
from scipy.integrate import odeint
import csv
from gekko import GEKKO
# create MPC with GEKKO
m = GEKKO(remote=False)
m.time = [0,1,2,4,8,12,16,20]
# empirical constants
Kp_h1 = 1.3
tau_h1 = 18.4
Kp_h2 = 1
tau_h2 = 24.4
# manipulated variable
p = m.MV(value=0,lb=1e-5,ub=1)
p.STATUS = 1
p.DCOST = 0.01
# unmeasured state
h1 = m.Var(value=0.0)
# controlled variable
h2 = m.CV(value=0.0)
h2.STATUS = 1
h2.FSTATUS = 1
h2.TAU = 20
h2.TR_INIT = 1
# equations
m.Equation(tau_h1*h1.dt()==-h1 + Kp_h1*p)
m.Equation(tau_h2*h2.dt()==-h2 + Kp_h2*h1)
# options
m.options.IMODE = 6
m.options.CV_TYPE = 2
# simulated system (for measurements)
def tank(levels,t,pump,valve):
h1 = max(1.0e-10,levels[0])
h2 = max(1.0e-10,levels[1])
c1 = 0.08 # inlet valve coefficient
c2 = 0.04 # tank outlet coefficient
dhdt1 = c1 * (1.0-valve) * pump - c2 * np.sqrt(h1)
dhdt2 = c1 * valve * pump + c2 * np.sqrt(h1) - c2 * np.sqrt(h2)
if h1>=1.0 and dhdt1>0.0:
dhdt1 = 0
if h2>=1.0 and dhdt2>0.0:
dhdt2 = 0
dhdt = [dhdt1,dhdt2]
return dhdt
# Initial conditions (levels)
h0 = [0,0]
# Time points to report the solution
tf = 400
t = np.linspace(0,tf,tf+1)
# Set point
sp = np.zeros(tf+1)
sp[5:100] = 0.5
sp[100:200] = 0.8
sp[200:300] = 0.2
sp[300:] = 0.5
# Inputs that can be adjusted
pump = np.zeros(tf+1)
# Disturbance
valve = 0.0
# Record the solution
y = np.zeros((tf+1,2))
y[0,:] = h0
# Create plot
# Simulate the tank step test
for i in range(1,tf):
# MPC ###################
# measured height
h2.MEAS = y[i,1]
# set point deadband
h2.SPHI = sp[i]+0.01
h2.SPLO = sp[i]-0.01
h2.SP = sp[i]
# solve MPC
# retrieve 1st pump new value
pump[i] = p.NEWVAL
# System ################
# Specify the pump and valve
inputs = (pump[i],valve)
# Integrate the model
h = odeint(tank,h0,[0,1],inputs)
# Record the result
y[i+1,:] = h[-1,:]
# Reset the initial condition
h0 = h[-1,:]
# update plot every 5 cycles
if (i%5==3):
plt.ylabel('Height (m)')
plt.legend(['Set point','Height 1','Height 2'])
plt.xlabel('Time (sec)')
# Construct and save data file
data = np.vstack((t,pump))
data = np.hstack((np.transpose(data),y))