I am trying to use the Terraform EKS module but have difficulty passing configuration values for my addons.
In my variable files, I have a map for all of my clusters and their configurations, it looks like this:
clusters = {
cluster1 = {
cluster_addons = {
first_addon = {
addon_version = "1.2.3"
configuration_value = {...} # to be encoded at runtime
second_addon = {
addon_version = "1.5.2"
configuration_value = {...} # to be encoded at runtime too
cluster2 = {
The output I want, is a map with addons for each cluster, including the JSON encoded configurations, for example:
addons = {
cluster1 = {
first_addon = {
addon_version = "1.2.3"
configuration_value = {...} # This is now JSON encoded
second_addon = {
addon_version = "1.5.2"
configuration_value = {...} # This is now JSON encoded
cluster2 = {
... # Another cluster configuration
I came up with the following code, that almost does what I want:
eks_addons = merge(flatten([
for cluster_name, cluster in var.eks_clusters : [
for addon_name, addon in cluster.cluster_addons : {
"${cluster_name}" = { # Here is the problem, I override the addons and only keeps the last one
"${addon_name}" = {
addon_version = lookup(addon, "addon_version", "")
configuration_values = jsonencode(lookup(addon, "configuration_values", {}))
The problem with this snippet is that I override the addons and only keep the last addon, instead of just appending the objects with the encoded configurations to the same map.
You were very close! The changes are mainly just swapping two of your lines, and then tidying up some of the overcomplication of making a list then flattening and merging. Here's a self-contained, fully working version that you should be able to tweak to fit your purpose:
locals {
clusters = {
cluster1 = {
cluster_addons = {
first_addon = {
addon_version = "1.2.3"
configuration_value = {
v1 = 12
v2 = "34"
second_addon = {
addon_version = "1.5.2"
configuration_value = {
v1 = "45"
v3 = 19
cluster2 = {
cluster_addons = {
third_addon = {
addon_version = "2.3.4"
configuration_value = {}
locals {
eks_addons = {
for cluster_name, cluster in local.clusters :
cluster_name => {
for addon_name, addon in cluster.cluster_addons :
addon_name => {
addon_version = lookup(addon, "addon_version", "")
configuration_values = jsonencode(lookup(addon, "configuration_value", {}))
output "out" {
value = local.eks_addons
When I run this, I get
Changes to Outputs:
+ out = {
+ cluster1 = {
+ first_addon = {
+ addon_version = "1.2.3"
+ configuration_values = jsonencode(
+ v1 = 12
+ v2 = "34"
+ second_addon = {
+ addon_version = "1.5.2"
+ configuration_values = jsonencode(
+ v1 = "45"
+ v3 = 19
+ cluster2 = {
+ third_addon = {
+ addon_version = "2.3.4"
+ configuration_values = jsonencode({})