New to PowerShell, I'm trying to create a command that does the following:
Searches an entire directory for a specific file
Uses the file path from Get-ChildItem as a variable for Get-FileHash "-Path"
Lists the file's FullName, Attributes, LastWriteTime, CreationTime, LastAccessTime, $Hash ($Hash = output of Get-FileHash)
What I've created so far (that doesn't work):
$ErrorActionPreference = "SilentlyContinue"; $Path = Get-ChildItem -Recurse -Path C:\ -Force -Filter screenshot_37.png | Select-Object FullName; Get-ChildItem -Recurse -Path C:\ -Force -Filter screenshot_37.png |Select-Object FullName, Attributes, LastWriteTime, CreationTime, LastAccessTime, @{Name='Hash';Expression = { $_ |Get-FileHash $Path -Alogorithm MD5 |ForEach-Object Hash }}
Works As Is:
$ErrorActionPreference = "SilentlyContinue"; Get-ChildItem -Recurse -Path C:\ -Force -Filter screenshot_37.png |Select-Object FullName, Attributes, LastWriteTime, CreationTime, LastAccessTime, @{Name='Hash';Expression = { $_ |Get-FileHash -Alogorithm MD5 |ForEach-Object Hash }}
FullName : C:\Users\ME\Downloads\Screenshot_37.png
Attributes : Hidden, Archive
LastWriteTime : 10/24/2023 9:32:34 AM
CreationTime : 10/24/2023 9:32:34 AM
LastAccessTime : 10/26/2023 10:37:31 AM
Hash :
Can someone help me in understanding and creating a working command for what's desired?
($ErrorActionPreference = "SilentlyContinue" is present b/c User does not have Admin permissions, therefor searching the C:\ drive produces a lot of errors of access denied)
$ErrorActionPreference = "SilentlyContinue"
Get-ChildItem -Recurse -Path C:\ -Force -Filter screenshot_37.png |
Select-Object FullName, Attributes, LastWriteTime, CreationTime, LastAccessTime,
Name = 'Hash';
Expression = { Get-FileHash -LiteralPath $_.FullName -Algorithm MD5 | ForEach-Object Hash }