I'm wanting to run a Kaplan-Meier analysis on survival data but my survival variables run from 0-7 and KM only uses 0s and 1s. I'll provide some background in case it's helpful. This is seedling survival data. I planted 7 acorns per subplot (there are 3 treatment habitats represented in this data) and recorded survival multiple times over a 2.5 year period. Variables are: time, survival and habitat, the data below is a dataset similar to what my real data looks like.
surva<-c(5,0,3, 2,0,0, 0,1,2, 3,0,1)
time<-c(1,2,3, 1,2,3, 1,2,3, 1,2,3)
habitat<-c("grassa", "grassb", "grassc", "grassa", "grassb", "grassc", "grassa", "grassb", "grassc", "grassa", "grassb", "grassc")
I want to turn my survival metrics into 1s (so they represent the seedlings that are alive in each habitat subplot) but I will also need to create duplicates of the corresponding cells (time and habitat) to go with the survival data. I appreciate any insight.
I think maybe this is helpful:
df |>
mutate(surva = lapply(surva, \(x) paste0(c(rep(1, times = x), rep(0, times = 7-x)), collapse = ""))) |>
separate_longer_position(surva, width = 1)
surva time habitat
1 1 1 grassa
2 1 1 grassa
3 1 1 grassa
4 1 1 grassa
5 1 1 grassa
6 0 1 grassa
7 0 1 grassa
8 0 2 grassb
9 0 2 grassb
10 0 2 grassb
11 0 2 grassb
12 0 2 grassb
13 0 2 grassb
14 0 2 grassb
15 1 3 grassc
16 1 3 grassc
17 1 3 grassc
18 0 3 grassc
19 0 3 grassc
20 0 3 grassc
21 0 3 grassc
22 1 1 grassa
23 1 1 grassa
24 0 1 grassa
25 0 1 grassa
26 0 1 grassa
27 0 1 grassa
28 0 1 grassa
29 0 2 grassb
30 0 2 grassb
31 0 2 grassb
32 0 2 grassb
33 0 2 grassb
34 0 2 grassb
35 0 2 grassb
36 0 3 grassc
37 0 3 grassc
38 0 3 grassc
39 0 3 grassc
40 0 3 grassc
41 0 3 grassc
42 0 3 grassc
43 0 1 grassa
44 0 1 grassa
45 0 1 grassa
46 0 1 grassa
47 0 1 grassa
48 0 1 grassa
49 0 1 grassa
50 1 2 grassb
51 0 2 grassb
52 0 2 grassb
53 0 2 grassb
54 0 2 grassb
55 0 2 grassb
56 0 2 grassb
57 1 3 grassc
58 1 3 grassc
59 0 3 grassc
60 0 3 grassc
61 0 3 grassc
62 0 3 grassc
63 0 3 grassc
64 1 1 grassa
65 1 1 grassa
66 1 1 grassa
67 0 1 grassa
68 0 1 grassa
69 0 1 grassa
70 0 1 grassa
71 0 2 grassb
72 0 2 grassb
73 0 2 grassb
74 0 2 grassb
75 0 2 grassb
76 0 2 grassb
77 0 2 grassb
78 1 3 grassc
79 0 3 grassc
80 0 3 grassc
81 0 3 grassc
82 0 3 grassc
83 0 3 grassc
84 0 3 grassc
Is that the sort of thing you were after?