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Get Bitcoin data issue

I was using below code to collect bitcoin data:

# -*- coding: UTF-8 -*-  
import os
import re
import requests
import datetime
from bs4 import BeautifulSoup

first_date = datetime.datetime(2010,7,16)

def parse_record(record):
    new_date = record[1:23]
    date = datetime.datetime(int(record[11:15]), int(record[16:18]), int(record[19:21]))
    value = record[24:-1]
    # print(record1[11:15])
    #         return [date,value]
    # translation = {39: None}
    # return str([date,value]).translate(translation)
    if date > first_date:
        return str([new_date,value]).translate(str.maketrans({"'":None}))
translation = {39: None} 

url_price = ''

response_price = requests.get(url_price)
soup_price = BeautifulSoup(response_price.text,'lxml')

script_tag_price = soup_price.findAll('script')[4]
script_text_price = script_tag_price.text

pattern_price = re.compile(r'\[new Date\("\d{4}/\d{2}/\d{2}"\),\d*\.?\w*\]')
records_price = pattern_price.findall(script_text_price)

price = []

for record in records_price:

text_file = open("btc-price.txt", "w")
text_file.write(str(price).replace("None,","")[1:-1].translate(translation).translate(str.maketrans({" ":None})).replace("newDate", "new Date"))

One year ago it was working ok that I can get the price info in txt. But now it cannot work, it seems that the website page somehow is changed that the code cannot work again, I am new to code, anyone can help me?


  • Ur code is too complicated for such a simple task, u did not indicate in what format the result should be saved, I ll give an example of just the output with pandas. But full dict in result variable

    import pandas as pd
    import re
    from datetime import datetime
    response = requests.get('')
    result = [{'Date': str(datetime.strptime(str(x.split(',')[0]), '"%Y/%m/%d")').date()),
               'Value': x.split(',')[1]} for x in re.findall(r'"\d+\/\d+\/\d+"\),\d+', response.text)]
    df = pd.DataFrame(result)


                Date  Value
    0     2010-07-17      0
    1     2010-07-18      0
    2     2010-07-19      0
    3     2010-07-20      0
    4     2010-07-21      0
    ...          ...    ...
    4845  2023-10-22  29916
    4846  2023-10-23  30877
    4847  2023-10-24  34086
    4848  2023-10-25  34329
    4849  2023-10-26  34259