I am running a ReactJS website using webpack and ran a build to push to my production server. However, node_modules was being pushed even through my .gitignore. I cleared the cash, committed and now node_modules is not being added to git (good). However, when I try to commit some new code changes, I get the following error from gitlab:
I've ran git ls-tree -r HEAD | grep $BLOB_ID and am able to see the file. I'm not really sure how to remove that so that I can commit to gitlab. There are times when I see that same error and run the above command and no path is listed. I've spent a lot of time with this and really have no clue how to resolve this going forward so I can push to my repos. Any help is appreciated, thanks.
If your intention is to remove the offending file BFG repo cleaner then replace the remote repository history (BE CAREFULLY) with the clean local repository.