I'm using the gt
package in R to create presentation quality tables. For the table I am creating, I am trying to show both the counts and the percentage of the total that the counts represent in a condensed format. How do I apply the results seen on the individual country lanes to the subtotal and grand total rows?
df <- tibble(country_lane = c("CA-US", "MX-CA", "MX-US", "US-CA",
"US-MX", "US-US"),
`Above Market` = c(2L, 3L, 33L, 3L, 3L, 54L
`Below Market` = c(18L, 0L, 2L, 14L, 3L, 370L),
`In Market` = c(15L, 0L, 25L, 15L, 3L, 240L),
BU = c("US", "CAN", "US", "CAN", "US", "US"))
> df
# A tibble: 6 × 5
country_lane `Above Market` `Below Market` `In Market` BU
<chr> <int> <int> <int> <chr>
1 CA-US 2 18 15 US
2 MX-CA 3 0 0 CAN
3 MX-US 33 2 25 US
4 US-CA 3 14 15 CAN
5 US-MX 3 3 3 US
6 US-US 54 370 240 US
I'm open to suggestions how to do this first part better, but I'm generally happy this works as is to create the percentage columns and groupings for subtotal and total.
mkt_cols <- c("Below Market", "In Market", "Above Market") # Used for across() below
denom <- sum(df$`Below Market` + df$`In Market` + df$`Above Market`) # Was hoping to find an easier way to employ mkt_cols here in case in the future I have more columns, but this is okay to get the denominator.
gt_out1 <- df %>%
mutate(across(all_of(mkt_cols), ~ .x / denom ,
.names = "{.col}_pct" )) %>%
gt(rowname_col = c("country_lane", "Subtotal"), groupname_col = "BU") %>%
summary_rows(columns = c("Below Market", "In Market", "Above Market"),
fns = list("Subtotal" = ~sum(.))) %>%
summary_rows(columns = ends_with("_pct"),
fns = list("Subtotal" = ~sum(.)),
fmt = ~ fmt_percent(., decimals = 1)) %>%
grand_summary_rows(columns = c("Below Market", "In Market", "Above Market"),
fns = list("Total" = ~sum(.))) %>%
grand_summary_rows(columns = ends_with("_pct"),
fns = list("Total" = ~sum(.)),
fmt = ~ fmt_percent(., decimals = 1)) %>%
fmt_percent(columns = ends_with("_pct"),
decimals = 1)
I wanted to do a cols_merge()
to show the percentages inside parentheses directly next to the counts and condense the table. This works great for the individual rows, but I cannot get it to apply to the subtotal or total rows. Here's the code I have and the output I don't like.
gt_out2 <- gt_out1 %>%
cols_merge(columns = c("Below Market", "Below Market_pct"),
pattern = "{1} ({2})") %>%
cols_merge(columns = c("In Market", "In Market_pct"),
pattern = "{1} ({2})") %>%
cols_merge(columns = c("Above Market", "Above Market_pct"),
pattern = "{1} ({2})")
I did look at gtsummary
which looks like it would do something similar to what I'm asking here, but I am just learning gt()
and it seems like I might have better control over the formatting here, plus I couldn't quite figure out the aggregation I needed for the percentages and layout with gtsummary
. Any help or suggestions are appreciated. Thank you.
A data.frame is generated same way you pointed in your question. Note that the column names contains underscores instead spaces:
df <- tibble(country_lane = c("CA-US", "MX-CA", "MX-US", "US-CA",
"US-MX", "US-US"),
Above_Market = c(2L, 3L, 33L, 3L, 3L, 54L
Below_Market = c(18L, 0L, 2L, 14L, 3L, 370L),
In_Market = c(15L, 0L, 25L, 15L, 3L, 240L),
BU = c("US", "CAN", "US", "CAN", "US", "US"))
Columns for the percentages from the total is calculated similar way you did it.
total <- sum(df %>% select(Above_Market,Below_Market,In_Market))
df.pct <- df %>% mutate(across(c("Above_Market","Below_Market","In_Market"), ~ .x/total, .names = "{.col}_pct"))
After a pivot_longer transformation of the data.frame, Subtotal and Total rows are calculated.
df.long <- df.pct %>% pivot_longer(-c(country_lane,BU),names_to = "Market", values_to = "values")
df.subtotal <- rbind(df.long,
df.long %>% group_by(Market,BU) %>% summarise(values=sum(values)) %>% mutate(country_lane="Subtotal"),
df.long %>% group_by(Market) %>% summarise(values=sum(values)) %>% mutate(country_lane="Total",BU=NA_character_)) %>%
pivot_wider(names_from = "Market", values_from = "values")
Here I show how would be the last rows of df.subtotal data.frame
# A tibble: 6 × 8
country_lane BU Above_Market Below_Market In_Market Above_Market_pct Below_Market_pct In_Market_pct
<chr> <chr> <dbl> <dbl> <dbl> <dbl> <dbl> <dbl>
1 US-CA CAN 3 14 15 0.00374 0.0174 0.0187
2 US-MX US 3 3 3 0.00374 0.00374 0.00374
3 US-US US 54 370 240 0.0672 0.461 0.299
4 Subtotal CAN 6 14 15 0.00747 0.0174 0.0187
5 Subtotal US 92 393 283 0.115 0.489 0.352
6 Total NA 98 407 298 0.122 0.507 0.371
gt object is built removing Total row and considering BU column as groupname_col:
gt_out1 <- df.subtotal %>% filter(country_lane != "Total") %>%
gt(rowname_col = c("country_lane"), groupname_col = "BU") %>%
rows_add(.list=as.list(df.subtotal %>% filter(country_lane=="Total"))) %>%
fmt_percent(columns = ends_with("_pct"),
decimals = 1)
Finally, cols_merge transformation is done
gt_out2 <- gt_out1 %>%
cols_merge(columns = c("Below_Market", "Below_Market_pct"),
pattern = "{1} ({2})") %>%
cols_merge(columns = c("In_Market", "In_Market_pct"),
pattern = "{1} ({2})") %>%
cols_merge(columns = c("Above_Market", "Above_Market_pct"),
pattern = "{1} ({2})")