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Repeated single precison complex matrix vector multiplication (speed and accuracy improvement)

I've boiled a long running function down to a "simple" series of matrix vector multiplications. The matrix does not change, but there are a a lot of vectors. I have put together a test program with the current state of the algorithm.

I've chased a few options for performance, but what is below is the best I have and it seems to work pretty well.

module maths

subroutine lots_of_MVM(Y,P,t1,t2,startRow)
    implicit none
    ! args
    complex, intent(in), contiguous    :: Y(:,:),P(:,:)
    complex, intent(inout), contiguous :: t1(:,:),t2(:,:)
    integer, intent(in)                :: startRow
    ! locals
    integer :: ii,jj,zz,nrhs,n,pCol,tRow,yCol
    ! indexing
    nrhs = size(P,2)/2
    n    = size(Y,1)
    ! Do lots of maths
    !$OMP PARALLEL PRIVATE(jj,pCol,tRow,yCol,zz)
    !$OMP DO
    do jj=1,nrhs
        pCol = jj*2-1
        tRow = startRow
        do yCol=1,size(Y,2)
            ! This is faster than doing sum(P(:,pCol)*Y(:,yCol))
            do zz=1,n
                t1(tRow,jj) = t1(tRow,jj) + P(zz,pCol  )*Y(zz,yCol)
                t2(tRow,jj) = t2(tRow,jj) + P(zz,pCol+1)*Y(zz,yCol)
            end do
            tRow = tRow + 1
        end do
    end do
    !$OMP END DO
end subroutine

end module
program test
    use maths
    use omp_lib
    implicit none
    ! variables
    complex, allocatable,dimension(:,:) :: Y,P,t1,t2
    integer :: n,nrhs,nY,yStart,yStop,mult
    double precision startTime
    ! setup (change mult to make problem larger)
    ! real problem size mult = 1000 to 2000
    mult = 300
    n = 10*mult
    nY = 30*mult
    nrhs = 20*mult
    yStart = 5
    yStop  = yStart + nrhs - 1
    ! allocate
    ! make some data
    call random_number(Y%re)
    call random_number(Y%im)
    call random_number(P%re) 
    call random_number(P%im)
    t1 = 0
    t2 = 0
    ! do maths
    startTime = omp_get_wtime()
    call lots_of_MVM(Y(:,yStart:yStop),P,t1,t2,1)
    write(*,*) omp_get_wtime()-startTime
end program

Things I tried for performance (maybe incorrectly)

  • Alignment of the data to 64 byte boundaries (start of matrix and each columns) I used associated directive to tell the compiler this and it seemed to make no difference. This was implement by copying Y and P with extra padding. I would like to avoid this increase in memory anyways.
  • MKL cgemv_batch_strided. The OMP nested do loops wins over MKL. MKL is probably not optimized for stride 0 on the A matrix.
  • Swapping 2nd and 3rd loops so t1 and t2 fill full columns. Requires in place transpose at the end

In addition to performance I would like better accuracy. More accuracy for similar performance would be acceptable. I tried a few things for this, but ended up with significantly slower performance.


  • I can't just throw more cores at it with OMP. Probably will use only 2-4 cores
  • Memory consumption should not increase drastically

Other info

  • I'm using intel fortran compiler on RHEL 8
  • Compiler flags -O3 -xHost
  • Set mult variable to 1000 or 2000 for more representative problem size
  • This code runs on a dual socket intel system at the moment, but could go to AMD.
  • I want to run as many instance of this code as possible at a time. I'm currently able to run 24 concurrently on a dual 28 core processor system with 768GB of RAM. I am basically RAM and core limited for that run (2 cores per run)
  • This is part of a larger code. Much of the rest is single threaded and its not trivial to make it multi-threaded. I'm targeting this section because it is the most time consuming portion.
  • I have implemented this using CUDA API batched cgemv on GPU (GV100). It is much faster there (6x), but the CPU wins on total throughput as a single run on the GPU saturates compute or memory bandwidth.


  • Rewriting it using cgemm/zgenn increases the speed by a factor of about 4-10 using either ifort or gfortran with openblas. Here's the code I knocked together:

    Module Precision_module
      Use, Intrinsic :: iso_fortran_env, Only : wp => real64
    !  Use, Intrinsic :: iso_fortran_env, Only : wp => real32
      Implicit None
      Public :: wp
    End Module Precision_module
    Module maths
    !  Use, Intrinsic :: iso_fortran_env, Only : wp => real64
      Use Precision_module, Only : wp
      Subroutine lots_of_MVM(Y,P,t1,t2,startRow)
        Implicit None
        ! args
        Complex( wp ), Intent(in), Contiguous    :: Y(:,:),P(:,:)
        Complex( wp ), Intent(inout), Contiguous :: t1(:,:),t2(:,:)
        Integer, Intent(in)                :: startRow
        ! locals
        Integer :: jj,zz,nrhs,n,pCol,tRow,yCol
        ! indexing
        nrhs = Size(P,2)/2
        n    = Size(Y,1)
        ! Do lots of maths
        !$OMP PARALLEL PRIVATE(jj,pCol,tRow,yCol,zz)
        !$OMP DO
        Do jj=1,nrhs
           pCol = jj*2-1
           tRow = startRow
           Do yCol=1,Size(Y,2)
              ! This is faster than doing sum(P(:,pCol)*Y(:,yCol))
              Do zz=1,n
                 t1(tRow,jj) = t1(tRow,jj) + P(zz,pCol  )*Y(zz,yCol)
                 t2(tRow,jj) = t2(tRow,jj) + P(zz,pCol+1)*Y(zz,yCol)
              End Do
              tRow = tRow + 1
           End Do
        End Do
        !$OMP END DO
      End Subroutine lots_of_MVM
    End Module maths
    Program test
      Use, Intrinsic :: iso_fortran_env, Only : numeric_storage_size, real32
      Use Precision_module, Only : wp
      Use maths
      Use omp_lib, Only : omp_get_wtime, omp_get_max_threads
      Implicit None
      ! variables
      Complex( wp ), Allocatable,Dimension(:,:) :: Y,P,t1,t2
      Integer :: n,nrhs,nY,yStart,yStop,mult
      Real( wp ) :: startTime
      Complex( wp ), Allocatable, Dimension( :, : ) :: t3, t4
      Real( wp ) :: mem_reqd, mem_reqd_Gelements
      Real( wp ) :: tloop, tblas
      ! setup (change mult to make problem larger)
      ! real problem size mult = 1000 to 2000
      mult = 300
      !mult = 50 ! for debug
      n = 10*mult
      nY = 30*mult
      nrhs = 20*mult
      yStart = 5
      yStop  = yStart + nrhs - 1
      ! allocate
      mem_reqd = Size( Y ) + Size( P ) + Size( t1 ) + Size( t2 )
      mem_reqd_Gelements = mem_reqd / ( 1024.0_wp * 1024.0_wp * 1024.0_wp )
      Write( *, * ) 'Mem reqd: ', mem_reqd_Gelements, ' Gelements'
      ! make some data
      Call random_Number(Y%re)
      Call random_Number(Y%im)
      Call random_Number(P%re) 
      Call random_Number(P%im)
      t1 = 0
      t2 = 0
      ! do maths
      Write( *, * ) 'Using ', omp_get_max_threads(), ' threads'
      Write( *, * ) 'Using ', Merge( 'single', 'double', Kind( y ) == real32 ), ' precision'
      startTime = Real( omp_get_wtime(), wp )
      Call lots_of_MVM(Y(:,yStart:yStop),P,t1,t2,1)
      tloop = Real( omp_get_wtime(), wp ) - startTime
      Write(*,*) 'TLoop: ', tloop
      Allocate( t3, mold = t1 )
      Allocate( t4, mold = t2 )
      t3 = 0.0_wp
      t4 = 0.0_wp
      startTime = Real( omp_get_wtime(), wp )
      Call zgemm( 'T', 'N', nrhs, nrhs, n, ( 1.0_wp, 0.0_wp ), Y ( 1, ystart ), n    , &
                                                              P ( 1, 1      ), 2 * n, &
                                          ( 1.0_wp, 0.0_wp ), t3             , nrhs )
      Call zgemm( 'T', 'N', nrhs, nrhs, n, ( 1.0_wp, 0.0_wp ), Y ( 1, ystart ), n    , &
                                                              P ( 1, 2      ), 2 * n, &
                                          ( 1.0_wp, 0.0_wp ), t4             , nrhs )
      tblas = Real( omp_get_wtime(), wp ) - startTime
      Write(*,*) 'TBlas: ', tblas
      Write( *, * ) 'Time ratio ', tloop / tblas, ' ( big means blas better )'
      Write( *, * ) "Max diff in t1 ", Maxval( Abs( t3 - t1 ) )
      Write( *, * ) "Max diff in t2 ", Maxval( Abs( t4 - t2 ) )
    End Program test

    Note I have used double precision throughout as I know what to expect in terms of errors here. Results for ifort on 2 threads:

    ijb@ijb-Latitude-5410:~/work/stack$ ifort -O3 -qopenmp mm.f90 -lopenblas
    ijb@ijb-Latitude-5410:~/work/stack$ ./a.out
     Mem reqd:   0.125728547573090       Gelements
     Using            2  threads
     Using double precision
     TLoop:    71.4670290946960     
     TBlas:    17.8680319786072     
     Time ratio    3.99971464010481       ( big means blas better )
     Max diff in t1   1.296029998720414E-011
     Max diff in t2   1.273302296896508E-011

    Results for gfortran:

    ijb@ijb-Latitude-5410:~/work/stack$ gfortran-12 -fopenmp -O3 -Wall -Wextra -pedantic -Werror -std=f2018  mm.f90 -lopenblas
    ijb@ijb-Latitude-5410:~/work/stack$ ./a.out
     Mem reqd:   0.12572854757308960       Gelements
     Using            2  threads
     Using double precision
     TLoop:    185.08875890000490     
     TBlas:    16.093782140000258     
     Time ratio    11.500637779852656       ( big means blas better )
     Max diff in t1    1.2732928769591198E-011
     Max diff in t2    1.3642443193628513E-011

    Those differences are about what I would expect for double precision.

    If the arguments to zgemm are confusing take a look at BLAS LDB using DGEMM

    Running in single precision (and changing the call to be to cgemm) has a comparable story, obviously with bigger differences, around 10^-3 to 10^-4, at least for gfortran. As I don't use single precision in my own work I have less of a feel for what to expect here, but this doesn't seem unreasonable:

     ijb@ijb-Latitude-5410:~/work/stack$ ./a.out
     Mem reqd:   0.125728548      Gelements
     Using            2  threads
     Using single precision
     TLoop:    147.786453    
     TBlas:    8.18331814    
     Time ratio    18.0594788      ( big means blas better )
     Max diff in t1    7.32427742E-03
     Max diff in t2    6.83614612E-03

    As for what precision you want and what you consider accurate, well you don't say so I can't really address that, save to say the simplest way is to move to double precision if you can take the memory hit - the use of zgemm will easily outweigh any performance hit you would take. But for performance it's the same story for any code - if you can rewrite it in terms of a matrix multiply then you will win.