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Filtering orders list in WooCommerce with HPOS

I'm in the process of converting an open source plugin to be HPOS-compatible. One of its features is additional filters on the orders list in admin (inline with the order statuses), eg: example

I can't seem to actually execute the modification of the query. Previously, I was hooking into pre_get_posts which obviously is no longer relevant when WP_Post is no longer being used.

Then the same for a filter field, for which I was hooking into restrict_manage_posts. found the equivalent hook: woocommerce_order_list_table_restrict_manage_orders

Anyone have an idea which hook to use?


  • As WC_Order_Query is used to query orders for HPOS, the following filters should still work:

    • woocommerce_order_query_args filter hook (replaces pre_get_posts),
    • woocommerce_order_query filter hook (replaces pre_get_posts),
    • and may be try woocommerce_order_data_store_cpt_get_orders_query filter hook.

    For restrict_manage_posts hook now you will use:

    Some others replacements hooks with HPOS:
    • To edit existing columns or add custom columns to admin Orders list:

      • manage_woocommerce_page_wc-orders_columns replaces the hook
      • manage_woocommerce_page_wc-orders_custom_column replaces the hook
    • To make custom columns sortable in admin Order list use:

      • woocommerce_shop_order_list_table_sortable_columns replacing the hook
    • To make custom order metadata searchable in admin Order list use:

      • woocommerce_order_table_search_query_meta_keys replacing the hook
    • To edit the filters and navigation in admin Orders list:

      • woocommerce_order_list_table_extra_tablenav replaces the hook manage_posts_extra_tablenav.
    • For Bulk actions in admin Orders list:

      • bulk_actions-woocommerce_page_wc-orders replaces the hook
      • handle_bulk_actions-woocommerce_page_wc-orders has 2 arguments $column and $order and replaces the hook handle_bulk_actions-edit-shop_order

    On High-Performance Order Storage documentation, there is a link to High Performance Order Storage Upgrade Recipe Book where you will find the path(s) to related core files you are looking for.

    In this documentation, you have:

    use Automattic\WooCommerce\Internal\DataStores\Orders\CustomOrdersTableController;

    that points to woocommerce/src/Internal/DataStores/Orders, where OrdersTableQuery.php file is the right location to look at.

    Inside the method maybe_override_query() you have at line 233:

    $pre_query = apply_filters( 'woocommerce_hpos_pre_query', null, $this, $this->sql );

    Inside the method build_query() you have at line 877:

    $clauses = (array) apply_filters_ref_array( 'woocommerce_orders_table_query_clauses', array( $pieces, &$this, $this->args ) );

    And so on…