when i run the below command in Azure CLI it appears to work, because i get a big dump of JSON back that shows all of my settings for the function app, with it's "minTlsVersion" set to 1.2.
az functionapp config set --min-tls-version 1.2 --id"/subscriptions/redacted/resourceGroups/Production/providers/Microsoft.Web/sites/func-app-name"
However, when i then run:
az functionapp list
and check the functionapp whose config i just updated, it is back to "minTlsVersion": null.
I tried with multiple function apps, but no luck.
does anyone know what I'm doing wrong?
According to this Github issue1 and Github issue2. This behaviour in az functionapp list
and az webapp list
is by default where the site-config values are shown as null to avoid performance issues on the list commands.
As a workaround you can use az function app show
command to get the accurate value like below:-
az functionapp show --name siliconfunctls1 --resource-group siliconrg89
Received minTlsVersion value successfully like below:-
When I tried to set the min-tls-version to 1.2
and then tried to list the site config setting, I received null response, Refer below:-
az functionapp config set --name siliconfunctls1 --resource-group siliconrg89 --min-tls-version 1.2
az functionapp list
az functionapp list
output showed minTlsVersion as null
Azure CLI command reference:- az functionapp | Microsoft Learn