Search code examples

Search a string splitted into different list positions and get the starting and ending position

i have a string splitted into different positions in a list e.g.,

List<String> str = new ArrayList<String>();
str.add("This is a ");
str.add(" in this string.");

I want to search "[{searched_string}]" in a list and want to know which is the starting and the ending position of "[{searched_string}]" in the list. E.g., in the above list the starting position of the "[{searched_string}]" is 1 and 2 respectively.

Can someone please guide me with any algorithm that can return me the starting and the ending position of the string being searched?


  • Would something like the below code work? It is not very efficient, but seems to work. For the list in the question, with the searched string as searched_placeholder, it returns a start index of 1 and end index of 2.

          List<String> str = new ArrayList<String>();
          str.add("This is a ");
          str.add(" in this string.");
          String searchString = "searched_placeholder";
          StringBuilder completeString = new StringBuilder();
          int endIndex = 0;
          int startIndex = 0;
          for (int index = 0; index < str.size(); index++) {
              if (completeString.indexOf(searchString) != -1) {
                  endIndex = index;
          for (int index = 0; index <= endIndex; index++) {
              completeString.replace(0, str.get(index).length(), "");
              if (completeString.indexOf(searchString) == -1) {
                  startIndex = index;
          System.out.println("Start index: " + startIndex + ", End index: " + endIndex);