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Networkx Indirect ties

How to calculate indirect ties in networkx? Indirect ties are defined as a relationship between two individuals who have no direct relation but are connected through a third person in their social network.

Tried checking some of the existing libraries in Networkx like common neighbors etc. but did not match the definition of indirect ties.


  • I am putting this edit up top (thanks Mad Physicist for pointing this out).

    Here is one possible way using an adjacency matrix method (explanations in comments):

    import networkx as nx
    import numpy as np
    def refined_find_indirect_ties(G): #G is a graph
        # We get the adjacency matrix
        A = nx.adjacency_matrix(G)
        # Now we convert it to a numpy array
        A_but_np = A.toarray()
        # The crucial math part– we square (dot) the matrix
        A_but_squared =, A_but_np)
        # This method doesn't guarantee only indirect technically, so we do a little check
        n = len(G) # Now create list of tuples of nodes
        indirect_ties = [(i, j) for i in range(n) for j in range(n) 
                         if i != j and A_but_squared[i, j] > 0 and A_but_np[i, j] == 0]
        return indirect_ties

    Edit: If you want to get the node names instead of the indices in the output, it's not that different:

    import networkx as nx
    import numpy as np
    def refined_find_indirect_ties(G): # G is a graph
        # We get the adjacency matrix
        A = nx.adjacency_matrix(G)
        # Now we convert it to a numpy array
        A_but_np = A.toarray()
        # The crucial math part– we square (dot) the matrix
        A_but_squared =, A_but_np)
        # This method doesn't guarantee only indirect technically, so we do a little check
        # Get the list of nodes-- this is the first change
        nodes = list(G.nodes())  
        indirect_ties = [(nodes[i], nodes[j]) for i in range(len(nodes)) for j in range(len(nodes)) 
        # the only difference here is that the tuple is composed of the elements now
                         if i != j and A_but_squared[i, j] > 0 and A_but_np[i, j] == 0]
        return indirect_ties

    While there isn't a specific NetworkX function for it, you can still create your own using NetworkX (I'll explain in the comments– sorry if verbose):

    import networkx as nx
    def find_indirect(G): #G is a graph
        # We create an empty dictionary to hold all of the pairs which have indirect ties
        indirect_ties = {}
        # Iterate over all pairs of nodes in our graph
        for x in G.nodes():
            for y in G.nodes():
                if x != y and not G.has_edge(x, y):  # That means 1. the nodes are not the same node and no edge exists between them
                    neighbors_of_x = set(G.neighbors(x))
                    neighbors_of_y = set(G.neighbors(y))
                    # Finding the intersection of the sets creates the unique set of neighbors shared between the two
                    common_neighbors = neighbors_of_x.intersection(neighbors_of_y)
                    if common_neighbors: # Obviously if not common_neighbors is true obviates this– this is the check for being indirect now
                        indirect_ties[(x, y)] = list(common_neighbors) # Now we have each key in the dict as a tuple of the two nodes that have indirect ties, and the value for the key is what is shared
        return indirect_ties

    Obviously, you can change this up a bit. I did the dictionary approach to show how you can also store the common neighbors that are responsible for making the nodes indirect. However, you can just as easily modify the code and store only the indirect nodes.