I have 80 PHP pages - I want to have next/back buttons on each page, automatically linking to previous/next pages. The pages are numbered sequentially ( page1.php, page2.php, page3, etc).
I would like an easier approach than having to manually link every button on each student profile page to go to the next/previous student pages.
Anyone have any ideas how to do this?
This is a relatively robust solution (considering the requirements):
$pinfo = pathinfo($_SERVER["SCRIPT_FILENAME"]);
$reqpath = dirname($_SERVER["REQUEST_URI"]);
if(preg_match("/(.*?)(\d+)\.php/", $pinfo["basename"], $matches)) {
$fnbase = $matches[1];
$fndir = $pinfo["dirname"];
$current = intval($matches[2]);
$next = $current + 1;
$prior = $current - 1;
$next_file = $fndir . DIRECTORY_SEPARATOR . $fnbase . $next . ".php";
$prior_file = $fndir . DIRECTORY_SEPARATOR . $fnbase . $prior . ".php";
if(!file_exists($next_file)) $next_file = false;
if(!file_exists($prior_file)) $prior_file = false;
if($prior_file) {
$link = "$reqpath/" . basename($prior_file);
echo "<a href=\"$link\">Prior</a>";
if($prior_file && $next_file) {
echo " / ";
if($next_file) {
$link = "$reqpath/" . basename($next_file);
echo "<a href=\"$link\">Next</a>";
{bla1, bla2, bla3}
and {foo1, foo2, foo3}