I am drawing support near pivot levels with a condition that there should be a doji (logic for it in the code) at the pivot point. This is plotting too many lines, even the lines which are not support anymore. I want older lines to be removed when the low goes below the support line.
I am not able to figure out the code to remove the lines when the low breaks it.
Basically, I only want to show those lines which have not been broken.
In the image attached, I have marked the lines that should not be visible as the levels are broken
Below is my code:
// This source code is subject to the terms of the Mozilla Public License 2.0 at https://mozilla.org/MPL/2.0/
// © kunthu
indicator("SR", "SR", true)
pivotBars = input.int(5)
var float pivotBarOpen = 0.
var float pivotBarHigh = 0.
var float pivotBarLow = 0.
var float pivotBarClose = 0.
pivotHighValue = ta.pivothigh(pivotBars,pivotBars)
pivotLowValue = ta.pivotlow(pivotBars,pivotBars)
pivotHighTrue = na(pivotHighValue) ? false : true
pivotLowTrue = na(pivotLowValue) ? false : true
doji = (high-low)/5 > math.abs(open-close)
barcolor(doji ? color.white : na, title = "Doji Bars", editable = false)
var line supportBottom = na
dojiSupportCondition = pivotLowTrue and doji[pivotBars] and not ta.crossunder(low, ta.valuewhen(pivotLowTrue, low[pivotBars], 1))
if dojiSupportCondition
pivotBarOpen := open[pivotBars]
pivotBarHigh := high[pivotBars]
pivotBarLow := low[pivotBars]
pivotBarClose := close[pivotBars]
supportBottom := line.new(bar_index - pivotBars, pivotLowValue, last_bar_index, pivotLowValue, xloc.bar_index, color = color.green)
I put the lines into an array and then looped through it to check if the lines have been undercut, deleting any that have.
indicator("SR", "SR", true)
pivotBars = input.int(5)
var float pivotBarOpen = 0.
var float pivotBarHigh = 0.
var float pivotBarLow = 0.
var float pivotBarClose = 0.
pivotHighValue = ta.pivothigh(pivotBars,pivotBars)
pivotLowValue = ta.pivotlow(pivotBars,pivotBars)
pivotHighTrue = na(pivotHighValue) ? false : true
pivotLowTrue = na(pivotLowValue) ? false : true
doji = (high-low)/5 > math.abs(open-close)
barcolor(doji ? color.white : na, title = "Doji Bars", editable = false)
var line supportBottom = na
var lineArr = array.new<line>()
dojiSupportCondition = pivotLowTrue and doji[pivotBars] and not ta.crossunder(low, ta.valuewhen(pivotLowTrue, low[pivotBars], 1))
if dojiSupportCondition
pivotBarOpen := open[pivotBars]
pivotBarHigh := high[pivotBars]
pivotBarLow := low[pivotBars]
pivotBarClose := close[pivotBars]
lineArr.unshift(line.new(bar_index - pivotBars, pivotLowValue, last_bar_index, pivotLowValue, xloc.bar_index, color = color.green))
if lineArrMain.size() > 0 and lineArrBand.size() > 0
for [idx,m] in lineArrMain
if low < m.get_y1()
if lineArrMain.size() > 0 and lineArrBand.size() > 0
for i = 0 to lineArrMain.size()-1
linefill.new(lineArrMain.get(i), lineArrBand.get(i), #00ff0022)