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cannot compile Room DB TypeConverter for kotlin.time.Duration

only when creating a for a kotlin.time.Duration, I get the following compiler error: error: Class is referenced as a converter but it does not have any converter methods.
public final class MillisKotlinDurationConverter {

the code for MillisKotlinDurationConverter.kt is shown below, and is no different for any of the other @TypeConverters in the project:

import kotlin.time.Duration
import kotlin.time.Duration.Companion.milliseconds

class MillisKotlinDurationConverter {

    fun convert(value: Duration?): Long? = value?.inWholeMilliseconds

    fun convert(value: Long?): Duration? = value?.milliseconds

I also didn't forget to add it into the @TypeConverters array for the DB

    entities = [
    version = DATABASE_VERSION
abstract class AppDatabase : RoomDatabase() {


  • reposting correct answer from comments

    Solution is to store into the database something other than the Kotlin Duration, and convert it to Kotlin Duration when needed.

    kotlin.time.Duration is a value class. At runtime, it's actually a Long. today, Room compiler/interpreter is not yet capable of handling Kotlin value classes.