I've tried to implement a logging middleware for tonic Server that records elapse time, grpc status code, etc. I referred to https://tokio.rs/blog/2021-05-14-inventing-the-service-trait and https://github.com/tower-rs/tower/blob/master/guides/building-a-middleware-from-scratch.md to get familiar with how to build a middleware. Here is my implementation:
pub struct GrpcLoggingMiddleware<S> {
service_name: &'static str,
inner: S,
impl<S> GrpcLoggingMiddleware<S> {
pub fn new(inner: S, service_name: &'static str) -> Self {
Self {
impl<S, Res> Service<http::request::Request<tonic::transport::Body>> for GrpcLoggingMiddleware<S>
S: Service<
Response = http::response::Response<Res>,
S::Future: Future<Output = Result<http::response::Response<Res>, S::Error>>,
S::Error: std::fmt::Debug,
Res: std::fmt::Debug,
type Response = S::Response;
type Error = S::Error;
type Future = ResponseFuture<S::Future>;
fn poll_ready(&mut self, cx: &mut Context<'_>) -> Poll<Result<(), Self::Error>> {
fn call(&mut self, request: http::request::Request<tonic::transport::Body>) -> Self::Future {
// wrap response future to avoid Pin<Box<_>> overhead
let path = String::from(request.uri().path());
ResponseFuture {
response_future: self.inner.call(request),
start: Instant::now(),
pub struct ResponseFuture<F> {
response_future: F,
path: String,
start: Instant,
impl<F, Res, E> Future for ResponseFuture<F>
F: Future<Output = Result<http::response::Response<Res>, E>>,
E: std::fmt::Debug,
Res: std::fmt::Debug,
type Output = Result<http::response::Response<Res>, E>;
fn poll(self: Pin<&mut Self>, cx: &mut Context<'_>) -> Poll<Self::Output> {
let this = self.project();
match this.response_future.poll(cx) {
Poll::Ready(result) => {
match &result {
Err(_) => error!("grpc response error"),
Ok(response) => debug!(
"finish grpc request, path: {}, elapse: {}us, status code: {}",
return Poll::Ready(result);
Poll::Pending => {
return Poll::Pending;
and layer it:
let layer = tower::layer::layer_fn(|service| GrpcLoggingMiddleware::new(service, "default"));
However, we can only get a http::response::Response
object in middleware implementation, which only has http status code. But I want to capture the grpc status code, which is wrapped in http body.
So I'm wondering how can I capture the grpc status code in middleware? The only way I can figure out is to deserialize http body but that's an extra overhead that I don't want.
The grpc status code is returned in the http header map keyed on grpc-status
. In your ResponseFuture
struct and inside its poll
method, you will need a mechanism to extract the value from the http response headers in the Ok
arm of the match statement.
fn poll(self: Pin<&mut Self>, cx: &mut Context<'_>) -> Poll<Self::Output> {
let this = self.project();
match this.response_future.poll(cx) {
Poll::Ready(result) => {
match &result {
Err(_) => error!("grpc response error"),
Ok(response) => {
let grpc_status_code = status_code_from(response.headers())
return Poll::Ready(result);
Poll::Pending => {
return Poll::Pending;
A naive implementation of the status_code_from
above could look like the following:
pub fn status_code_from(headers: &hyper::HeaderMap) -> &str {
// tonic/hyper will not add a grpc-status code to headers
// in the event of success
match headers.get("grpc-status") {
Some(value) => {
// if gRPC status code cannot be unwrapped to string
// instead of panicing we return status code INTERNAL
let code: &str = value.to_str().unwrap_or("13");
println!("got grpc status code {}", code);
match code {
"0" => "OK",
"1" => "CANCELLED",
"2" => "UNKNOWN",
"5" => "NOT_FOUND",
"10" => "ABORTED",
"11" => "OUT_OF_RANGE",
"13" => "INTERNAL",
"14" => "UNAVAILABLE",
"15" => "DATA_LOSS",
_ => "UNKNOWN",
None => "OK",