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NextJS Standalone Export Buildspec Error "Module not found: Can't resolve component" in CodeBuild

I have the following buildspec running via CodePipeline/CodeBuild

version: 0.2

            nodejs: 18
            - echo Installing source NPM dependencies...
            - cd webConsole
            - npm install -g yarn
            - yarn install
            - echo Build started on $(date)
            - yarn build
            - aws s3 cp --recursive --acl public-read ./out s3://<S3_BUCKET>
            - aws s3 cp --acl public-read --cache-control="max-age=0, no-cache, no-store, must-revalidate" ./out/index.html s3://<S3_BUCKET
            - aws cloudfront create-invalidation --distribution-id <CLOUDFRONT DISTRO> --paths /*
    baseDirectory: build
        - "**/*"
        - node_modules/**/*

I am running the same steps locally and it is working fine with the same version of node. I'm wondering if anyone has seen the same thing in the CodeBuild stage of a pipeline. The install works fine, but I am getting the following errors in the build stage

Module not found: Can't resolve './misc/CustomCheckbox'

I have checked my imports are using the correct casing, and the CustomCheckbox is just a styled MUI Checkbox.,

The nextjs build is a standalone build with the following config

 * @type {import('next').NextConfig}
const nextConfig = {
    output: "export",
    trailingSlash: true,
    optimizeFonts: false,

module.exports = nextConfig;


  • solution

    1. clone the repository again,
    2. compare the cases of folder/filenames in both the repositories

    for files:

    • use git mv filename to Filename

    for folders:

    • rename folder entirely to another name
    • git commit the changes
    • rename the folder to the name u want
    • git commit the changes


    i had the same. i could run the build locally without trouble, but in github action i had the "module not found error" for my own components of the project. i compared with 2 other projects on same tech-stack and they were building fine.

    i found out it has nothing to do with the actual file import in your project, neither with the nextjs.config

    It turns out git does not track the change of a folder/file if just it's case changed (depends on case-sensitivity of your/remote file system) after it was already checked in. In my case i renamed Components folder to components folder and it was not tracked.

    module not found: in git action

    other answers

    Github Actions for NodeJS - 'Error: Cannot find module' for local file

    GitHub CI/Actions - Cannot find module. Make sure this package is installed

    Case sensitivity in Git