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How can I put a new value into PutCommand Item if variable is not "undefined" in DynamoDB

As the title said, I want to put a variable into one of its Item only if the variable is not undefine.

I've tried this code.

const createNewAccount = new PutCommand({
    TableName: tableName,
    Item : {
        "PK" : email,
        "SK" : type + "#" + school,
        "GSI1SK" : classroom + "#" + name,

if(type == "STD"){
    createNewAccount.Item["number"] = number

const createNewAccountResponse = await client.send(createNewAccount);

Raise the error "Cannot set properties of undefined (setting 'number')" at the line createNewAccount.Item["number"] = number Also, my number variable is an integer, and all variables will not be undefine in this case.

I'm not sure is there a way to exactly solve this problem. If it has, please let me know.

Thank you!


  • Try this:

    const createNewAccount = {
        TableName: tableName,
        Item : {
            "PK" : email,
            "SK" : type + "#" + school,
            "GSI1SK" : classroom + "#" + name,
    if(type == "STD"){
        createNewAccount.Item["number"] = number
    const createNewAccountResponse = await client.send(new PutCommand(createNewAccount));

    Here is a full example which I tested:

    const { DynamoDBClient } = require("@aws-sdk/client-dynamodb");
    const { DynamoDBDocumentClient, PutCommand } = require("@aws-sdk/lib-dynamodb");
    const client = new DynamoDBClient({ region: "eu-west-1" });
    const docClient = DynamoDBDocumentClient.from(client);
    const go = async () => {
        let type = 'STD';
        let number = 3
        const createNewAccount = {
            TableName: 'Test',
            Item: {
                "PK": '23',
                "SK": 'type' + "#" + 'school',
                "GSI1SK": 'classroom' + "#" + 'name',
        if (type == "STD") {
            createNewAccount.Item["number"] = number
        const createNewAccountResponse = await docClient.send(new PutCommand(createNewAccount));

    And the result:

      '$metadata': {
        httpStatusCode: 200,
        requestId: 'requestId',
        extendedRequestId: undefined,
        cfId: undefined,
        attempts: 1,
        totalRetryDelay: 0
      Attributes: undefined,
      ConsumedCapacity: undefined,
      ItemCollectionMetrics: undefined