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Pivot table based on frequency of elements in list column

I have a pandas DataFrame like below:

List Values Date
[1, 2, 3, 4] 2022-07-17
[1, 3] 2022-06-17
[1, 4, 5] 2022-06-17
[2, 4, 1] 2022-06-17
[1, 3] 2022-05-17

The list contains unique elements so getting duplicate counts or conversion into a set would not be required.

I want to get a pivot table where the frequency of each element in list across month is derived, like below. The columns should be till month level (i.e. Year-Month):

Value 2022-05 2022-05 2022-05
1 1 3 1
2 0 1 1
3 1 1 1
4 0 2 1
5 0 1 0


  • .explode() and then use pd.crosstab():

    df = df.explode("List Values")
    out = pd.crosstab(df["List Values"], df["Date"])


    Date         2022-05-17  2022-06-17  2022-07-17
    List Values                                    
    1                     1           3           1
    2                     0           1           1
    3                     1           1           1
    4                     0           2           1
    5                     0           1           0