style: ElevatedButton.styleFrom (
backgroundColor: Color.fromARGB(255, 194, 14, 2)),
onPressed: () => const Padding (
EdgeInsets.symmetric(horizontal: 8, vertical: 16),
child: TextField (
decoration: InputDecoration (
border: OutlineInputBorder (),
hintText: 'Entrer le code ',
child: const Row (
children: [
Icon (Icons.edit_document),
Text ("Entrer le Code du document"),
I tried to insert Textfield on Onpressed action of Elevated Button but is not okay can you help me please?
1st you need to create a bool variable and set it to false
Example : isTextFieldShown = false;
2nd you need to take a look at the Visibility Widget and set it's property to the bool var that you initiated to false
Example :
visible: isTextFieldShown,
child: yourTextFieldWidget // here you wrap your textfield widget with the visibility widget like I did
and finally you need to set the action for your button like this
onPressed: () {
setState(() {
isTextFieldShown = !isTextFieldShown;