I am using WooCommerce Stripe Payment Plugin and cannot get any answers from the support so hoping to try on here.
I am basically modifying a few setting to make a Stripe Direct Charge on a connected account.
Here are my changes:
add_filter('woocommerce_stripe_request_headers', 'vnmBug_addToStripeHeaders', 20, 1);
function vnmBug_addToStripeHeaders($headersArray) {
$stripeUserID = 'acct_';
$headersArray['Stripe-Account'] = $stripeUserID;
return $headersArray;
var stripe = Stripe( wc_stripe_params.key, {
stripeAccount: 'acct_',
} );
add_filter( 'woocommerce_stripe_request_body', 'add_application_fee', 20, 3 );
function add_application_fee( $request, $api ) {
//Try to retrieve the order ID from the metadata
$order = null;
if (isset($request['metadata']['order_id'])){
$orderID = $request['metadata']['order_id'];
$order = wc_get_order($orderID);
//This filter is hit multiple times, so the order ID might not be available. If not, just return the request.
if (!$order) {
return $request;
$applicationFee = 99; // <- Use this for testing
if ($applicationFee > 0) {
$request['application_fee_amount'] = $applicationFee;
return $request;
Then when I put through a test order I receive the following error response.
No such PaymentMethod: 'pm_'; OAuth key or Stripe-Account header was used but API request was provided with a platform-owned payment method ID. Please ensure that the provided payment method matches the specified account.
I read that I need to clone the payment method https://stripe.com/docs/payments/payment-methods/connect#cloning-payment-methods but not sure how to add this part in the code? Also i am not 100% sure if this is the solution either?
Any help would be appreciated.
I tried modifying a few different hooks in the Stripe API but with no luck.
If feel like you removed a lot of your code - maybe for the sake of clarity - but some of it is more confusing now.
For instance, your error:
No such PaymentMethod: 'pm_'; OAuth key...
Is the error actually giving 'pm_' ? or did you remove the ID for length ?
If not that error means you literally passed 'pm_' as a string.
I'll explain how payment method cloning works, and maybe that will help:
1 - Get a Customer and attached Payment Method objects on your Platform.
How you get there isn't very important, there are multiple ways to do it.
We'll call the objects cus_platform
and pm_platform
2 - Clone the Payment Method onto your connected account.
This call is pretty confusing, because it's a PaymentMethod.create()
call where you're setting the connected account ID as stripe-account
header, but use cus_platform
and pm_platform
as values.
In any other situation, a call authenticated as a connected account containing platform objects would not work.
What this call does is create a copy of the Payment Method on the connected account - this has a different ID, and doesn't have a related Customer yet.
We'll call it pm_clone
3 - Optionally, attach this pm_clone
to a Customer on the connected account (cus_clone
This is optional, but without it you'll only be able to process one payment with pm_clone
At the end of this set up, you would have 2 pairs of objects:
and pm_platform
, used to process payments on your Platform.
and pm_clone
, used to process payments on behalf of the connected account they exist on (with the stripe-account