Our project repository was migrated to GitHub and we changed building an image from jib-maven-plugin to using a Dockerfile and building it with GitHub actions.
In the former process the Sapjco3.jar library was added by giving an extra classpath.
Because the application is now build through a Dockerfile this plugin had to be removed. Instead of this the spring-boot-maven plugin is used to repackage the whole project into one jar.
For this reason it would not be possible to do the same.
How do I get this .jar library into the final repackaged jar's BOOT-INF/lib folder? It has to be this exact sapjco3.jar library because else it would give the error in the title.
Already tried:
I expect the project to run with the sapjco3.jar library.
I fixed it using the maven-jar-plugin to configure an extra Class-Path. The extra classpath is relative to where the jar resides. When buliding the docker image with a Dockerfile you can add the library to this relative path.
The solution is thereby modifying the META-INF file.
<!-- Add classpath entry to the manifest -->
COPY ./{path-to-library}/lib/sap ./lib/sap