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solve internal error: STRING operator applied to undefined or non-STRING variable

Newb here with Gnuplot. I tried just testing it with a simple plt script as per below but get the error when using it interactively (there is no output or error message when using it non-interactively). I have tested with plot sin(x) interactively and that worked.

The script is as follows:

set xdata time
set timefmt "%Y-%m-%d"
set format x "%Y-%m-%d"
set xlabel "Date"
set ylabel "Value"
set title "Decimal Values Over Time"
plot 'data.txt' using 1:2 with linespoints

The input data is a simple 2 columns, space-delimited and the first column is a date and the second column a decimal value.

2023-02-01 60
2023-03-01 30
2023-04-01 55

I have actually been trying to plot a much more complex file (where it had multiple inputs and decimal values as percentages etc) without success and always having this same error. So I tried this simpler input just to see and still no luck. It's weird that the plot sin(x) worked.

I'm now just trying to create a simple line chart with these values over the dates (i.e. dates on x and values on y and then a line joining each).

I have also done a full upgrade on my system etc. my Debian is using version Version 5.4 patchlevel 1.

Edited : to add more detail based on the qwuestions below.

  1. my plot script is in a file created via vim called testplot.gnuplot
  2. my data is in a file also created via vim called data.txt I first executed from the CLI like this $gnuplot -c testplot.gnuplotand I saw no output. Then I tried interactive via $gnuplot and once in interactive mode, used load testplot.gnuplot where I saw the error as per the subject line.

Any ideas on how I can make this work or where I am doing something wrong?


  • In the gnuplot console simply put your filename into quotes:

    load "testplot.gnuplot"

    Check help load:

          load "<input-file>"
    The name of the input file must be enclosed in quotes.


    In the operating system CLI, use the option -p for persistent, in the gnuplot-console check help command line options. So, something like:

    gnuplot -p -c Testplot.gnuplot

    Here, the filename can be with or without quotes.