I'm trying to show a message after I redirect to a page in laravel but the message show just before the reload of the page. I want the message to show on the page after the redirect. Here is my Controller code :
public function update(UpdateItem $request, $id)
$vd = $request->validated();
$item = $this->itemService->updateItem(json_decode($vd['data'], true), $id, $vd['modele_id']);
if ($request->wantsJson()) {
return ['item' => $item];
} else {
return redirect()->route('item-show', ['id' => $id])->with('message', "Objet modifié");
Here is my blade code:
@if($messages = session('messages') )
@if( is_array($messages) )
@foreach ( $messages as $message )
window.showSuccess('{{ $message }}')
window.showSuccess('{{ $messages }}')
When I update my item, it shows the toast with the text "Objet modifié" for half a second then it redirects to the page with the route "item-show".
How can I have the toast to show after the redirect ?
Thank you
Well I just had to rename "message" to "messages"