I have a situation with the snapshotFlow recently when trying to observe changes from a MutableState. Here is the snippet
val searchQuery = mutableStateOf("")
snapshotFlow { searchQuery }.collectLatest {
But when the searchQuery
changed, there was nothing happened in collectLatest
block. It seems the snapshotFlow
not find any changes from searchQuery
. I guessed. Then I changed the searchQuery declare to var searchQuery by mutableStateOf("")
. The snapshotFlow works as expected. Can anyone explain me why? Really appreciate!
Please refer to this StackOverflow answer:
SnapshotFlow works similarly to recomposition - it tracks reads of State.value to know when to emit. So for snapshotFlow to work, the value has to be read inside of the snapshotFlow {} block, which is not happening
With your current approach, the snapshotFlow
doesn't know which changes to observe. When using the by
keyword, searchQuery.value
is implicitly called, and thus the snaphotFlow
can detect the changes.
To solve this, please try
val searchQuery = mutableStateOf("")
snapshotFlow { searchQuery.value }.collectLatest {
// ...
or use the by
As the official documentation remains vague about how the approaches for declaring a MutableState differ, this Reddit post summarizes the differences well.