Below the script counts the files in the source directory and performs different actions based on the count and the filename. If there are two or more files, it exits with a code of 2. If there are no files, it exits with a code of 0. If there's exactly one file, it checks if the filename is "MT569." If it is, the file is copied to the target directory, and the script exits with a code of 1. If the filename is not "MT569," it exits with a code of 3.
@echo off
setlocal enabledelayedexpansion
set "sourceDir=C:\Users\tar\Desktop\inbound"
set "targetDir=C:\Software\components\data\GateIn\in"
set "count=0"
for %%I in ("%sourceDir%\*.*") do (
set /a "count+=1"
set "filename=%%~nI"
if %count% geq 2 (
exit /b 2
) else if %count% equ 0 (
exit /b 0
) else if %count% equ 1 (
for /f %%A in ('powershell -command "[System.Text.RegularExpressions.Regex]::IsMatch('!filename!', 'YourPattern')"') do (
if %%A equ 1 (
xcopy /y "%sourceDir%\!filename!.*" "%targetDir%"
exit /b 1
) else (
exit /b 3
Question - and this is where basically I am stuck and need your help. Instead of using of filename as "MT569" , I am rather expecting below sort of file. COLLAT.CONFIDENTIAL.20231013125640.NO-ACCT.416.ISO
Therefor I am trying to use regular expression "COLLAT.CONFIDENTIAL.\d{14}.NO-ACCT.\d{3}.ISO" in my batch script, however In a standard Windows batch script, I think I cannot use regular expressions directly.
Can someone help me fix this issue please?
I don't know the solution
A streamlined solution:
It avoids enabledelayedexpansion
and (...)
It calls powershell.exe
, the Windows PowerShell CLI, to perform the desired regex matching via its -notmatch
operator and reflects the result in its exit code via an exit
statement, which cmd.exe
's ||
operator can act on.
@echo off & setlocal
set "sourceDir=C:\Users\tar\Desktop\inbound"
set "targetDir=C:\Software\components\data\GateIn\in"
:: Count the files of interest and save the name of the last file found.
set count=0
for %%f in ("%sourceDir%\*.*") do set /a count+=1 & set "filename=%%~nf"
:: Exit with code 0, if there are no files,
:: and with code 2, if there are 2 or more.
if %count% EQU 0 exit /b 0
if %count% GEQ 2 exit /b 2
:: There is only one file - check if its name matches the regex;
:: if not, exit with code 3.
powershell -c "if ($env:filename -notmatch '^COLLAT\.CONFIDENTIAL\.\d{14}\.NO-ACCT\.\d{3}\.ISO$') { exit 1 }" || exit /b 3
:: The name matches the regex: copy the file to the destination
:: and exit with code 1.
xcopy /y "%sourceDir%\%filename%.*" "%targetDir%"
exit /b 1
); if you meant to include the extension, use %%~nxf