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How do I relate PBI on ADO board to the corresponding Deployment and Development

When I go to a PBI on my ADO board. I can see all this metadata like title, work item ID, description, pbi type, priority, state, area, iteration. These are few but I can see lots of useful information about the PBI.

I can also access lots of this information via ADP API calls.

Is there a query or API call I can use to find out the deployment and development that is related to work items?


  • Is there a query or API call I can use to find out the deployment and development that is related to work items?

    Yes. To meet your requirement, you can use the Rest API: Work Items - Get Work Item and add the $expand parameter in the URL.

    Rest API: Set $expand=all or $expand=relations


    Then you can check the relations value in the response. It will contains all information in Development and Deployment tab.

    For example:

    enter image description here

    API Response:

    enter image description here